Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

[P829.Ebook] PDF Ebook The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

PDF Ebook The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

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The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

PDF Ebook The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

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The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross

  • Sales Rank: #2557023 in Books
  • Published on: 2009
  • Original language: German
  • Dimensions: 9.09" h x 1.69" w x 5.31" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A Richly Informative, Engrossing Examination of Twentieth Century Music
By Grady Harp
alex Ross has the ability and the resources to write about the music of the 20th Century and to establish himself as the creator of the definitive volume with the publication of THE REST IS NOISE: LISTENING TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. His depth of knowledge is matched only by his ability to communicate with a writing style that places him in the echelon of our finest biographers. This book is indeed a comprehensive study of the music created in the 20th Century, but it is also a survey of all of the arts and social changes, effects of wars, industrialization, and quirks and idiosyncrasies that surfaced in that recently ended period of history: Ross may call this 'listening' to the 20th century, but is also visualizing and feeling the changes of that fascinating period.

Ross opens his survey with a detailed description of the premiere of Richard Strauss' opera SALOME and in doing so he references all of those in attendance (from Mahler to Schoenberg, the last of the great Romantics to the leader of the Modernist innovators) and focuses not only on the chances Strauss took using a libidinous libretto by the infamous Oscar Wilde to the astringent dissonances that surface in this tale of evil and necrophilia. The ballast of that evening is then followed throughout the book, a means of communicating music theory and execution in a manner that is wildly entertaining while simultaneously informative.

Ross studies the influence of nationalism in music (the German School, the French School, the British and the American Schools) and then interweaves the particular innovations by showing how each school and each composer was influenced by the simultaneous destruction and reconstruction of the world borders resulting form the wars of that century. He dwells on the pacifists (Benjamin Britten et al) and those trapped by authoritarian regimes (Shostakovich et al), following the great moments as well as the dissonant chances that found audience at times far from the nidus of origin. Ross crosses the 'pond' showing how American music nurtured in the European schools ultimately found grounding in a sound peculiar to this country (Ives, Copland, etc) and allows enough insight as to the influence of jazz to finally satisfy the most critical of readers.

Ross, then, accompanies us on the journey from melody to atonality and back, all the while giving us insights into the composers that help us understand the changes in music landscape they induced. The book is long and demanding, but at the same time it is one of the finest 'novels on a music theme' ever written. Highly recommended not only to musicologists, ardent music lovers, and students of the arts, but to the reading public who simply loves history enhanced by brilliant prose. Grady Harp

See all 1 customer reviews...

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[P829.Ebook] PDF Ebook The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross Doc
[P829.Ebook] PDF Ebook The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross Doc

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