Sabtu, 21 Agustus 2010

[O484.Ebook] Ebook Free Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

Ebook Free Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

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Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

Ebook Free Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

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Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard

In this 55-page prequel novella set in the Red Queen world, Queen Coriane, first wife of King Tiberias, keeps a secret diary—how else can she ensure that no one at the palace will use her thoughts against her? Coriane recounts her heady courtship with the crown prince, the birth of a new prince, Cal, and the potentially deadly challenges that lay ahead for her in royal life.

  • Sales Rank: #17944 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-09-01
  • Released on: 2015-09-01
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Find Out What Really Happened to the First Queen
By Lillian @ Mom with a Reading Problem
In Queen Song by Victoria Aveyard, we finally find out about Cal’s mom, King Tiberias’s first wife, Queen Coriane. This novella broke my heart on so many levels! Coriane is a wonderful character who was perfect for the soon-to-be king. She was his balance, his confidant, his best friend…you know, what every wife strives to be.

Coriane’s family—the house Jacos—was a part of the court, but just barely. Her father had lost all their money gambling, and Coriane wished for the day that she could leave him, prayed for a life she knew she’d never have. She didn’t want a court life, despised it as she despised how her silver gift elevated her above those with a different color blood. She didn’t understand it, it wasn’t fair, and she wanted it to change.

When Coriane first meets Tibe by chance, they strike up an immediate friendship. He can just be himself with her and her with him. This doesn’t go over well in the court, especially from Elara Merandus. In Red Queen, it was implied that this woman was somehow responsible for Coriane’s death and we get a look at Elara that is truly terrifying.

Elara is a Whisper, meaning that she can read others’ minds and also manipulate thoughts and dreams. She takes offense to not being chosen as queen and I really didn’t want to be in Coriane’s shoes! This woman is evil…let’s just leave it there.

Overall I enjoyed this story. It was great backstory and confirmed some suspicions I had from the first book. If you enjoy the series and you want to know what really happened to the first queen, grab a copy of this book!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Coriane's Story!
By Misty
Out of the two novellas available, I was actually looking forward to this one the most! Victoria Aveyard did an amazing job with Coriane and the tone of her life! It was written in third person and spanned about six years in only 54 pages, but it was perfect and so well written! I loved reading about the young Julian, and it was really interesting to read about Cal's dad and then baby Cal! I loved Cal's grandparents and Robert - I feel like there was a huge leap from the more close, loving, and supportive family portrayed in this novella to the one Cal and Mavin have in Red Queen... It's crazy! I also liked how it specified and explained why Cal and Mavin could not marry for love. As for Coriane, I thought the author did such an amazing job with her and the mood in her story/life! We already knew how it was going to end, but even if you didn't - the mood of the story was so foreboding throughout! And I mean really... we all know what Elara is capable of...

The last two journal entries were so amazing!

I'm really glad I read this before I read Glass Sword. Now I'm so pumped for it, and back in the story, and excited to read it! I feel like it really adds to the story to read this after Red Queen and before Glass Sword! Like Red Queen, it was amazing and extremely well written and leaves you so excited to read more!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Harleyquinn47
This was interesting. Never thought we'd get anything from this character's perspective. Sad how easily her life was bad, to worse, to wonderful, and ended so terribly. Mostly her own issues, but I can't imagine her life was easy at all. Much like royalty of today I imagine. I like getting the history of this world before what the first book had. I'd like to get more on that after she died and while Cal was growing up. How it became what it was? This makes me want to re-read the first since I must have forgotten a whole lot about the book and this society.

See all 81 customer reviews...

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[O484.Ebook] Ebook Free Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard Doc

[O484.Ebook] Ebook Free Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard Doc
[O484.Ebook] Ebook Free Queen Song (Red Queen Novella), by Victoria Aveyard Doc

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