Jumat, 29 November 2013

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Free Ebook Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh

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Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh

Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh

Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh

Free Ebook Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh

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Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh


Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide provides detailed coverage of different types of power plants such as modern co-generation, combined-cycle, and integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) plants. The book describes the design, selection, operation, maintenance, and economics of all these power plants. The best available power enhancement options are discussed, including duct burners, evaporative cooling, inlet-air chilling, absorption chilling, steam and water injection, and peak firing.

This in-depth resource addresses the sizing, selection, calculations, operation, diagnostic testing, troubleshooting, maintenance, and refurbishment of all power plant equipment, including steam turbines, steam generators, boilers, condensers, heat exchangers, gas turbines, compressors, pumps, advanced sealing mechanisms, magnetic bearings, and advanced generators.

Coverage includes:

  • Methods for enhancing the reliability and maintainability of all power plants
  • Economic analysis of modern co-generation and combined-cycle plants
  • Selection of the best emission-reduction method for power plants
  • Preventive and predictive maintenance required for power plants
  • Gas turbine applications in power plants, protective systems, and tests

  • Sales Rank: #1862560 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: McGraw-Hill Professional
  • Published on: 2011-12-16
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.70" h x 1.80" w x 7.50" l, 3.15 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 768 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author

Philip Kiameh, M.A.Sc., B.Eng., D.Eng., P.Eng., has been a teacher at the University of Toronto, Canada, for 18 years. He also teaches courses and seminars worldwide to more than 4,000 engineers across Europe, North America, and the Middle East. Professor Kiameh has written four books for working engineers and has won excellence in teaching awards from the Professional Development Center at the University of Toronto and TUV Akademie. He performed research on power generation equipment with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited and has more than 26 years of practical engineering experience with Ontario Power Generation, formerly, Ontario Hydro, the largest electric utility in North America.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Very informative
By Brooke Smoak
Plenty of detailed information to provide a broad range of situational analysis and troubleshooting tools. Great condition for the price.

1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Great engineering reference book
By D. R. Watson
This text is an excellent, concisely written review of the operation and maintenance of a wide range of power plant equipment, useful for not only power plant engineers but also as a general handbook for mechanical engineers.

The author incorporates an excellent chapter on economics of power plant operation. The text has numerous tables, graphs, and illustrations which greatly assist in the comprehension of the subject matter, and the mathematics is not too abstract or overwhelming.

An excellent book overall.

D.R. Watson

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[A217.Ebook] Free Ebook Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh Doc

[A217.Ebook] Free Ebook Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh Doc
[A217.Ebook] Free Ebook Power Plant Equipment Operation and Maintenance Guide, by Philip Kiameh Doc

Selasa, 26 November 2013

[I606.Ebook] PDF Download Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson

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Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson

Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson

Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson

PDF Download Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson

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Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson

The whip never leaves a mark. Love…that’s another story.

Emergence, Book 3

Lori Polluck has reshaped her kink from bottom to top.

In the two years since her Dom disappeared without a trace, she’s transformed herself from perfect submissive to successful Domme. Her relationship with her submissive, Margaret, is…comfortable. Life is good. Until her past strides into Emergence, commandeers her scene, and turns her heart inside out.

Jude Cavanaugh can’t change his past, but he can definitely take charge of his future.

A mission he can never reveal took him away from Lori, he thought for good. But a twist of fate has brought him back to his life, his town, his club. He plans to reclaim it all—including his woman. Sure, she’s with someone else. Sure, she’s switched in every possible way. But the instant they touch, it’s clear Lori is still his to control. And she doesn’t like it one damned bit.

The road ahead will be rocky. Especially since Lori will just have to take it on faith that he won’t skip out again. But when nightmares turn real, they’ll both need to show ultimate trust to survive.

Warning: This book contains intense bondage scenes. Man on woman as well as woman on woman action will titillate the mind. Be prepared for public nudity, vibrators, a seriously huge dildo, restraints, a ring gag, spreader bars, lube action, and a steaming-hot wax scene…

  • Sales Rank: #315163 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2015-01-20
  • Released on: 2015-01-20
  • Format: Kindle eBook

From the Author
Connect with Becca Jameson:
You can signup for Becca Jameson's newsletter through her website to receive up-to-date informationon upcoming projects and enter to win a copy of her newest release!
Wolf Masters series:
Kara'sWolves (Book 1)
Lindsey'sWolves (Book 2)
Jessica'sWolves (Book 3)
Alyssa'sWolves (Book 4)
Tessa's Wolf(Book 5)
Rebecca'sWolves (Book 6)
Melinda'sWolves (Book 7)
Laurie'sWolves (Book 8)
Amanda'sWolves (Book 9)
Sharon'sWolves (Book 10)
Durham Wolves series:
Rescue inthe Smokies (Book 1)
Fire in theSmokies (Book 2)
Freedom inthe Smokies (Book 3)
Wolf Gatherings series:
Tarnished(Book 1)
Dominated(Book 2)
Completed(Book 3)
Redeemed(Book 4)
Abandoned(Book 5)
Betrayed(Book 6)
Emergence series:
Bound to beTaken (Book 1)
Bound to beTamed (Book 2)
Bound to beTested (Book 3)
Bound to beTempted (Book 4)
The Fight Club series:
Come (Book1)
Perv (Book2)
Need (Book3)
Hers (Book4)
Want (Book5)
Lust (Book6)
The Underground series:
Force (Book1)
Clinch (Book2)
Guard (Book3)
Submit (Book4)
Thrust (Book5)
Torque (Book6)
The Art of Kink series:
Pose (Book1)
Paint (Book2)
Sculpt (Book3)
Claiming Her series:
The Rules(Book 1)
The Game (Book2)
The Prize(Book 3)
Stand Alone Books:
Blind withLove
Out of theSmoke
Awakening Abduction
Three's aCruise
Wolf Trinity
2015 BDSMWriters Con Anthology (Anthology)
Free Reads:
Lucky'sCharms (Anthology)
Love in theCards (Anthology)
Wrap (TheArt of Kink, Book .5)

About the Author
Becca Jameson is the best-selling author of the Wolf Masters series and The Fight Club series. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and two kids. With almost 50 books written, she has dabbled in a variety of genres, ranging from paranormal to BDSM. When she isn't writing, she can be found jogging with her dog, scrapbooking, or cooking. She doesn't sleep much, and she loves to talk to fans, so feel free to contact her through e-mail, Facebook, or her website.
...where Alphas dominate...

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
So much love to be had, so many apologies to make...
By Robin M.
I really loved this book... Lori is a submissive who has devoted her love to a man, Jude. Their chemistry is undeniable and all consuming. But, Jude walks away from Lori, leaving her bereft, cold and lonely inside. In the two years since Jude disappeared without a word, Lori has redefined herself... she's moving on, she's in a relationship now where she's in control. Lori has opted to explore her dominant side, and has taken on a submissive of her own. All is well... until Jude walks back into her life, turning it upside down from the first minute. He's determined to get Lori back, he KNOWS that what they shared before he left is not dead. Lori is clearly wary to resume a relationship with Jude, but she knows she has to try. Lori puts her relationship with Margaret her submissive on hold and goes back to Jude to see what's left of their relationship. Well, sparks fly! And if you ever doubted that some people are just soul mates and there is nothing that would ever keep them apart, then this beautifully written story about second chances will make you a believer. Jude and Lori fit, they fill that spot within each other... you know, that spot somewhere in your chest, right beside your heart, where the love of your life resides. Their road is a bit rocky, but they are ironing things out. Until an unforeseen enemy emerges, putting Jude and even Lori in danger. Jude is well trained to handle the danger, and he fights to end his worst nightmare once and for all. But Jude has a hard time handling the fact that he couldn't protect Lori and he now feels she is better off without him. Without a word, he disappears again, once again shattering the poor girl's heart to pieces.

They get their HEA, but what a rollercoaster of emotions to get there. So much love to be had, so many apologies to make. This story truly moved me. I loved it so much!

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Sexy times w/a hot military man who is all about pleasing his woman
By Drea of LilyElement Reviews
I received this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Submissive Lori was desperately in love with Jude and he with her. But Jude also had responsibility to a job. Given he was a badass Army special ops guy responsible for taking down terrorist masterminds, the job came first. But when he walked out the door one day with no warning, he broke Lori’s heart with lies about how he didn’t love her anymore. For a man who didn’t think he’d make it home from his last mission, Jude thought that was the best way to leave his beloved sub.
Fast forward two years, Jude turns up and ruins now Domme Lori’s sexy scene at BDSM club Emergence. His arrival effectively destroys the year-long relationship Lori has had with her sub Margaret. An accepting Margaret even moves out of their shared home to give Lori time. But just when Jude thinks his past is over and he can start fresh with the woman he needs, his past rears its ugly head and threatens everything he holds dear. Will he make the right choices for everyone this time or muck it up as badly as the first?

Bound to Be Tested is a second chance romance featuring two emotionally scarred people pulled apart by duty. However there’s far more sex than romance in this story because the love never really went away for Lori and Jude. And the sex is definitely not vanilla. Fans of fulltime BDSM relationships will love this story.

I was interested in this book because the blurb said former sub Lori is a Domme when her ex Jude turns up in town again. That sounded like a recipe for some fireworks, and I love fireworks! Unfortunately Lori puts up a token fight when Jude takes over her shibari scene, and then she basically folds beneath his commanding voice…just as she does when he suggests they get back together on a trial basis. Her reason? No one has been able to make Lori feel a fraction of what Jude can, and that is a powerful motivator.

Jude doesn’t do much in the way of earning back Lori’s trust for the way he left apart from reinstating his domination over her. Instead Lori realizes she still loves him, always will, and will have to accept him the way he is—apologetic for leaving her yet unable to explain why he did it. She’s a far better, accepting woman than I could ever be, and that makes for an interesting read. It helps that Jude is a patient, firm Dom with some interesting techniques.

Bound to Be Tested is the third in the Emergence series and features characters from previous Emergence books. A reader new to the series can pick this up without feeling lost. There’s also an obvious setup for future books…one with Margaret for sure so be prepared to add some extra books to your wish list!

In conclusion, if you’re looking for a BDSM with a full-time D/s relationship and loads of sexy times with a hot military man who is more about pleasing his woman than himself, Bound to Be Tested is for you.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
bound to the story
By Demetra Toula Iliopoulos
loved loved this
this had be hooked but I know the heroine at the begging seemed pushy. what happends when a man you were in love with comes back into your live after 2 years of disappearing with no word. He was you dom and you were his perfect sub. . You become a Dom with a sub that is a lady and right in the middle of your show , he just walks in and directs you . after the show you look for him and he has disappeared. Then all of a sudden he shows up the next day and starts making demands. he wants you back and gives you rules to follow. He also goes sees his best friend who happens to be part of your family and they have it out. Loved it they don't know that his is in the army an undercover one and he left before because he didn't expect to come back. He went to the middle east to kill a terrorist and he thought he did. . things are going great but after a while he gets weird calls and he feels like he is being watched at home . He gets a call from his Captin/ Superior that the terrorist is in the United States and they need to finish the Job . He drops the sub the love of his life back and he goes on his mission. lots of tricks happen and little does he know that the terrioist feel in love with his girlfriend who is his Heart and kidnapped her and played a trick on him . They find her in a shed near the factory he killed the terrorist and he finds her in the hospital. he feels like s*** and skips out on her . He is thinking that he has been on secreat missions and there will be always someone after him. He cant stand it .

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[I606.Ebook] PDF Download Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson Doc

[I606.Ebook] PDF Download Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson Doc
[I606.Ebook] PDF Download Bound to be Tested (Emergence), by Becca Jameson Doc

Jumat, 22 November 2013

[L287.Ebook] PDF Download Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook (Palgrave Study Guides), by Stella Cottrell

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Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook (Palgrave Study Guides), by Stella Cottrell

Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook (Palgrave Study Guides), by Stella Cottrell

Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook (Palgrave Study Guides), by Stella Cottrell

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Skills for Success: The Personal Development Planning Handbook (Palgrave Study Guides), by Stella Cottrell

Following-on from The Study Skills Handbook, this book enables students to think about personal, academic and career goals and to plan a path to success. Rich in activities that develop valuable career skills, this edition has a new chapter on Understanding your Personal Performance, and updated information on job applications.

  • Sales Rank: #8048731 in Books
  • Published on: 2003-05-02
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.69" h x 7.44" w x .0" l, 1.10 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 312 pages

Reviews of the 1st edition:

"Excellent book, well constructed, a valuable learning resource for students." —Department of Community Studies, Bradford College, UK

"This is a fantastic book packed with useful and interactive activities to enhance performance." —Department of Social Work, Bromley College of Further& Higher Education, UK

"Clear, concise and excellent layout to make for an easier understanding and read." —Business School, Middlesex University, UK

"I have found this book very useful in helping students construct their CVs/ applications. It is a useful teaching tool& a self-help guide." —Faculty of Health and Social Work, University of Plymouth, UK

About the Author

STELLA COTTRELL is Director for Lifelong Learning at the University of Leeds, UK. She is author of the best-selling The Study Skills Handbook, The Exam Skills Handbook, Critical Thinking Skills and The Palgrave Student Planner.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
The title is wrong!
By Susi Mayse
Title of the listing does not match the title of the book.
The book that was delivered is called "Skills for Success: Personal Development and Employability (Palgrave Study Skills) 2nd Edition".
It is NOT "The Personal Development Planning Handbook".

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
very good book
By Melissa Geiger
Very helpful. Arrived when expected.the book is useful for personal, and professional use.Easy to use and many exercises to do help with interviewing skills.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By Vipavee

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Selasa, 19 November 2013

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Chinese Medical Qigong Therapy Vol 2 by Dr Jerry Alan Johnson (January 1, 2005) Paperback

  • Published on: 1700
  • Binding: Paperback

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Jumat, 15 November 2013

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Jumat, 08 November 2013

[Y194.Ebook] Fee Download Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications (New York Institute of Finance)By

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Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications (New York Institute of Finance)By

This outstanding reference has already taught thousands of traders the concepts of technical analysis and their application in the futures and stock markets. Covering the latest developments in computer technology, technical tools, and indicators, the second edition features new material on candlestick charting, intermarket relationships, stocks and stock rotation, plus state-of-the-art examples and figures. From how to read charts to understanding indicators and the crucial role technical analysis plays in investing, readers gain a thorough and accessible overview of the field of technical analysis, with a special emphasis on futures markets. Revised and expanded for the demands of today's financial world, this book is essential reading for anyone interested in tracking and analyzing market behavior.

  • Sales Rank: #14578 in Books
  • Color: Other
  • Brand: Brand: Prentice Hall Press
  • Published on: 1999-01-04
  • Released on: 1999-01-01
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.56" h x 1.66" w x 7.38" l, 2.82 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 576 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author
John J. Murphy is President of MURPHYMORRIS, Inc., a producer of interactive educational products for technical analysis. A former technical analyst for CNBC and director of Merrill Lynch's Technical Analysis Futures Division, he is the author of The Visual Investor and Intermarket Technical Analysis.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
LOVE the book and a side note about why AMAZON is AMAZING!
By Theresa
First of all, this book is GREAT for the novice investor, and broker who is new to the investment industry such as myself. Due to the downsizing of my previous career, I made a career change to the stock market. Crazy I know, but I love it. Technical Analysis is not hard but can be confusing if you are not sure what all of the "pretty" lines represent. This book breaks it down for someone like me to where I can TRULY understand what a chart is telling me. True, charts CAN be subjective, but the numbers don't lie. Charts combined with some fundamentals can make you a powerful investor if you know what you are doing. The book is not so basic that it would bore a knowledgeable investor; even those who have been trading forever can learn something from this book. Murphy makes to where Technical Analysis makes sense! Now...Why do I think the world of Amazon? I've been watching the price of this book for about a year. I ordered this book due to a manager's recommendations (who allowed me to hold on to her book for a couple of months) and my company trainer's STRONG recommendations just recently. (No they do not work for this company and they are NOT receiving any proceeds for the recommendations.) I received the book and from the outside, the book appeared to be perfect. While flipping through the pages, I saw that pages were damaged in one section. I have been ordering from Amazon for years and not once have I ever had to return an item. This was the first one. I received my package on Tuesday, opened it on Wednesday, contacted Amazon via the web instructions, and dropped the book off at the local UPS location on Thursday. Also per Amazon's instructions, they wanted additional feedback on why I was returning the item. After leaving the feedback, I anticipated that I wouldn't receive the book for another week or so. The return instructions were SO easy it made my head spin. That's not even the best part. I was shocked when I saw I received an email that my replacement book was on its way on Thursday. Get this (here's the BEST part)...I received a PERFECTLY new replacement today, Friday. I am thoroughly impressed. My main purpose for ordering the book when I did was to have it in time for me to utilize when I return to my team on Monday. Due to the advanced training we've received at work, this book is something that will be useful for years to come.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The first book you should read in technical analysis
By Mohammad J. Alkhabbaz
This is my first book in technical analysis, it was given to me by a friend after he tried a lot to convince me that market movement is not random and as any normal guy I used to make fun of it. After reading this book my curiosity to technical analysis went up big time and I started reading a lot about technical analysis, you can see the rest my books in my reviews.
Now and after reading a lot about technical analysis I see this book as one of the solid foundation of my work, most of the basic and guidelines are available here which I tend to come back to from time to time. John Murphy did an excellent work explaining all the details of the technical analysis world. The main work done here is for chart patterns but he also gives a lot of information about the rest of the techniques. I highly recommend this book for any starter in technical analysis.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Tome of Knowledge!
By Hadr
This book contains all different aspects of technical analysis that one should consider.
It explains the different indicators that are being used to do analysis.
It is comprehensive in its coverage.

Lack of strategies coverage or ways to use different indicators together.
It may lack in depth details on some indicators.
I expected this because it will not be possible for a book to cover everything in details.
Uncommon indicators are not covered. This is not a problem for me but I think it maybe for some of you.

Overall, I gave it 4 stars.
This is a good reference book.
If you are a beginner, this is a very good book.
If you already know the functions of half of the indicators in your charting program. You will find little value in this book.

See all 206 customer reviews...

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Kamis, 07 November 2013

[H582.Ebook] Ebook Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, by Paul Clark

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Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, by Paul Clark

Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, by Paul Clark

Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, by Paul Clark

Ebook Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, by Paul Clark

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Buying the Big Jets: Fleet Planning for Airlines, by Paul Clark

This is an examination of practices in aircraft evaluation and selection. It clarifies the fleet planning methodologies and defines decision-making processes that are relevant to the environment, offering insights into how selections are being made for a range of airlines and market conditions.

  • Sales Rank: #3983148 in Books
  • Brand: Brand: Ashgate Pub Ltd
  • Published on: 2001-06
  • Original language: English
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 6.25" w x .75" l, 1.30 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 296 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

'This well organized book fills a huge gap in aviation literature. Clearly written, with excellent use of diagrams, it provides an insight into and an understanding of fleet planning, the cornerstone of airline management.'
Rigas Doganis, Cranfield College of Aeronautics, UK

'The airline industry is very complex and one in which it has always been very difficult to make money. A key component of the multi-faceted challenge is the way to accommodate highly variable demand with a pre-determined number of aircraft, each with a fixed capacity in the short term. Paul Clark in his book Buying the Big Jets provides a comprehensive, lucid, and an informative guide for airline fleet planners to optimize their capacity resources in the fiercely competitive marketplace. It is a 'must-have' book for airline practitioners responsible for fleet planning because of the experiential insights contained in the book on a broad spectrum of relevant topics and an equally beneficial book for students of the airline industry to learn about complex subjects such as market segmentation and spill, aircraft performance, and investment appraisals.'
Nawal K. Taneja, Ohio State University

'Buying the Big Jets has succeeded in bringing together, in an easily understandable form, the many factors that currently influence the aircraft purchasing process...a useful tool to broaden the knowledge of specialists involved in the process...a good balance has been achieved between breadth and depth and the book will be of interest to a wide spectrum of technical and non-technical readers.'
The Aerospace Professional

'...a valuable examination of the current practices in aircraft evaluation and selection, clarifying the new fleet planning methodologies and decision making processes...of great value to professionals with fleet planning responsibilities, students of air transport and for the banking community, where insights into aircraft acquisition are vital.'
Air International

'This book gives an overview that is broad, thorough, accessible and endowed with many interesting facts and figures: this is a recommended book for aviation students and non-specialized professionals who want to get acquainted with the more technical aspects of fleet acquistion such as engineering, planning and marketing aspects.' --Aerlines, December 2007

About the Author
Paul Clark is the author of Stormy Skies. He worked for more than 20 years at Airbus, then established and managed AirBusiness Academy in Toulouse for 3 years before moving to Montreal to run the IATA Training and Development Institute for almost 2 years. He is currently working independently as an aviation consultant (Through The Looking Glass: www.ttlglearn.com). Paul is a Visiting Professor at City University in the UK, and a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
By Jessica
It was definitely worth the purchase! Way cheaper then the textbook they sold at my university.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Planning to buy the passenger jets
By alhashim_aviation
The book is truly an amazing educational, self explanatory and informative document; that would defiantly help in this field. I have been working as an Airline agent for exactly twenty years in this field and learnt a lot from this highly recommended book.

If I were the head of IATA, I would recommend all airlines to have one at least in their technical library

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Its a good book for understanding the buying decision process but I ...
By priyad kulkarni
Its a good book for understanding the buying decision process but I was looking for more details. but its quite good

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