Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

[J316.Ebook] Download Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

Download Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

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Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

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Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson

Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, and digital publishing.

At a time when America is seeking ways to sustain its innovative edge, and when societies around the world are trying to build digital-age economies, Jobs stands as the ultimate icon of inventiveness and applied imagination. He knew that the best way to create value in the twenty-first century was to connect creativity with technology. He built a company where leaps of the imagination were combined with remarkable feats of engineering.  

Although Jobs cooperated with this book, he asked for no control over what was written nor even the right to read it before it was published. He put nothing off-limits. He encouraged the people he knew to speak honestly. And Jobs speaks candidly, sometimes brutally so, about the people he worked with and competed against. His friends, foes, and colleagues provide an unvarnished view of the passions, perfectionism, obsessions, artistry, devilry, and compulsion for control that shaped his approach to business and the innovative products that resulted.

Driven by demons, Jobs could drive those around him to fury and despair. But his personality and products were interrelated, just as Apple’s hardware and software tended to be, as if part of an integrated system. His tale is instructive and cautionary, filled with lessons about innovation, character, leadership, and values.

  • Sales Rank: #8422 in Books
  • Brand: PowerbookMedic
  • Published on: 2011-10-24
  • Released on: 2011-10-24
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.25" h x 1.90" w x 6.12" l, 2.16 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 656 pages
  • Great product!

Amazon.com Review
Amazon Best Books of the Month, November 2011: It is difficult to read the opening pages of Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs without feeling melancholic. Jobs retired at the end of August and died about six weeks later. Now, just weeks after his death, you can open the book that bears his name and read about his youth, his promise, and his relentless press to succeed. But the initial sadness in starting the book is soon replaced by something else, which is the intensity of the read--mirroring the intensity of Jobs’s focus and vision for his products. Few in history have transformed their time like Steve Jobs, and one could argue that he stands with the Fords, Edisons, and Gutenbergs of the world. This is a timely and complete portrait that pulls no punches and gives insight into a man whose contradictions were in many ways his greatest strength. --Chris Schluep

Amazon Exclusive: A Q&A with Walter Isaacson

Q: It's becoming well known that Jobs was able to create his Reality Distortion Field when it served him. Was it difficult for you to cut through the RDF and get beneath the narrative that he created? How did you do it?

Isaacson: Andy Hertzfeld, who worked with Steve on the original Macintosh team, said that even if you were aware of his Reality Distortion Field, you still got caught up in it. But that is why Steve was so successful: He willfully bent reality so that you became convinced you could do the impossible, so you did. I never felt he was intentionally misleading me, but I did try to check every story. I did more than a hundred interviews. And he urged me not just to hear his version, but to interview as many people as possible. It was one of his many odd contradictions: He could distort reality, yet he was also brutally honest most of the time. He impressed upon me the value of honesty, rather than trying to whitewash things.

Q: How were the interviews with Jobs conducted? Did you ask lots of questions, or did he just talk?

Isaacson: I asked very few questions. We would take long walks or drives, or sit in his garden, and I would raise a topic and let him expound on it. Even during the more formal sessions in his living room, I would just sit quietly and listen. He loved to tell stories, and he would get very emotional, especially when talking about people in his life whom he admired or disdained.

Q: He was a powerful man who could hold a grudge. Was it easy to get others to talk about Jobs willingly? Were they afraid to talk?

Isaacson: Everyone was eager to talk about Steve. They all had stories to tell, and they loved to tell them. Even those who told me about his rough manner put it in the context of how inspiring he could be.

Q: Jobs embraced the counterculture and Buddhism. Yet he was a billionaire businessman with his own jet. In what way did Jobs' contradictions contribute to his success?

Isaacson: Steve was filled with contradictions. He was a counterculture rebel who became a billionaire. He eschewed material objects yet made objects of desire. He talked, at times, about how he wrestled with these contradictions. His counterculture background combined with his love of electronics and business was key to the products he created. They combined artistry and technology.

Q: Jobs could be notoriously difficult. Did you wind up liking him in the end?

Isaacson: Yes, I liked him and was inspired by him. But I knew he could be unkind and rough. These things can go together. When my book first came out, some people skimmed it quickly and cherry-picked the examples of his being rude to people. But that was only half the story. Fortunately, as people read the whole book, they saw the theme of the narrative: He could be petulant and rough, but this was driven by his passion and pursuit of perfection. He liked people to stand up to him, and he said that brutal honesty was required to be part of his team. And the teams he built became extremely loyal and inspired.

Q: Do you believe he was a genius?

Isaacson: He was a genius at connecting art to technology, of making leaps based on intuition and imagination. He knew how to make emotional connections with those around him and with his customers.

Q: Did he have regrets?

Isaacson: He had some regrets, which he expressed in his interviews. For example, he said that he did not handle well the pregnancy of his first girlfriend. But he was deeply satisfied by the creativity he ingrained at Apple and the loyalty of both his close colleagues and his family.

Q: What do you think is his legacy?

Isaacson: His legacy is transforming seven industries: personal computers, animated movies, music, phones, tablet computing, digital publishing, and retail stores. His legacy is creating what became the most valuable company on earth, one that stood at the intersection of the humanities and technology, and is the company most likely still to be doing that a generation from now. His legacy, as he said in his "Think Different" ad, was reminding us that the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.

Photo credit: Patrice Gilbert Photography

About the Author
Walter Isaacson, the CEO of the Aspen Institute, has been chairman of CNN and the managing editor of Time magazine. He is the author of The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution; Steve Jobs; Einstein: His Life and Universe; Benjamin Franklin: An American Life; and Kissinger: A Biography, and the coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made. He lives in Washington, DC. Follow him on Twitter @WalterIsaacson.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.

Excerpt 1

His personality was reflected in the products he created. Just as the core of Apple’s philosophy, from the original Macintosh in 1984 to the iPad a generation later, was the end-to-end integration of hardware and software, so too was it the case with Steve Jobs: His passions, perfectionism, demons, desires, artistry, devilry, and obsession for control were integrally connected to his approach to business and the products that resulted.

The unified field theory that ties together Jobs’s personality and products begins with his most salient trait: his intensity. His silences could be as searing as his rants; he had taught himself to stare without blinking. Sometimes this intensity was charming, in a geeky way, such as when he was explaining the profundity of Bob Dylan’s music or why whatever product he was unveiling at that moment was the most amazing thing that Apple had ever made. At other times it could be terrifying, such as when he was fulminating about Google or Microsoft ripping off Apple.

This intensity encouraged a binary view of the world. Colleagues referred to the hero/shithead dichotomy. You were either one or the other, sometimes on the same day. The same was true of products, ideas, even food: Something was either “the best thing ever,” or it was shitty, brain-dead, inedible. As a result, any perceived flaw could set off a rant. The finish on a piece of metal, the curve of the head of a screw, the shade of blue on a box, the intuitiveness of a navigation screen—he would declare them to “completely suck” until that moment when he suddenly pronounced them “absolutely perfect.” He thought of himself as an artist, which he was, and he indulged in the temperament of one.

His quest for perfection led to his compulsion for Apple to have end-to-end control of every product that it made. He got hives, or worse, when contemplating great Apple software running on another company’s crappy hardware, and he likewise was allergic to the thought of unapproved apps or content polluting the perfection of an Apple device. This ability to integrate hardware and software and content into one unified system enabled him to impose simplicity. The astronomer Johannes Kepler declared that “nature loves simplicity and unity.” So did Steve Jobs.

Excerpt 2

For Jobs, belief in an integrated approach was a matter of righteousness. “We do these things not because we are control freaks,” he explained. “We do them because we want to make great products, because we care about the user, and because we like to take responsibility for the entire experience rather than turn out the crap that other people make.” He also believed he was doing people a service: “They’re busy doing whatever they do best, and they want us to do what we do best. Their lives are crowded; they have other things to do than think about how to integrate their computers and devices.”

This approach sometimes went against Apple’s short-term business interests. But in a world filled with junky devices, inscrutable error messages, and annoying interfaces, it led to astonishing products marked by beguiling user experiences. Using an Apple product could be as sublime as walking in one of the Zen gardens of Kyoto that Jobs loved, and neither experience was created by worshipping at the altar of openness or by letting a thousand flowers bloom. Sometimes it’s nice to be in the hands of a control freak.

Jobs’s intensity was also evident in his ability to focus. He would set priorities, aim his laser attention on them, and filter out distractions. If something engaged him—the user interface for the original Macintosh, the design of the iPod and iPhone, getting music companies into the iTunes Store—he was relentless. But if he did not want to deal with something—a legal annoyance, a business issue, his cancer diagnosis, a family tug—he would resolutely ignore it. That focus allowed him to say no. He got Apple back on track by cutting all except a few core products. He made devices simpler by eliminating buttons, software simpler by eliminating features, and interfaces simpler by eliminating options.

He attributed his ability to focus and his love of simplicity to his Zen training. It honed his appreciation for intuition, showed him how to filter out anything that was distracting or unnecessary, and nurtured in him an aesthetic based on minimalism.

Unfortunately his Zen training never quite produced in him a Zen-like calm or inner serenity, and that too is part of his legacy. He was often tightly coiled and impatient, traits he made no effort to hide. Most people have a regulator between their mind and mouth that modulates their brutish sentiments and spikiest impulses. Not Jobs. He made a point of being brutally honest. “My job is to say when something sucks rather than sugarcoat it,” he said. This made him charismatic and inspiring, yet also, to use the technical term, an asshole at times.

Andy Hertzfeld once told me, “The one question I’d truly love Steve to answer is, ‘Why are you sometimes so mean?’” Even his family members wondered whether he simply lacked the filter that restrains people from venting their wounding thoughts or willfully bypassed it. Jobs claimed it was the former. “This is who I am, and you can’t expect me to be someone I’m not,” he replied when I asked him the question. But I think he actually could have controlled himself, if he had wanted. When he hurt people, it was not because he was lacking in emotional awareness. Quite the contrary: He could size people up, understand their inner thoughts, and know how to relate to them, cajole them, or hurt them at will.

The nasty edge to his personality was not necessary. It hindered him more than it helped him. But it did, at times, serve a purpose. Polite and velvety leaders, who take care to avoid bruising others, are generally not as effective at forcing change. Dozens of the colleagues whom Jobs most abused ended their litany of horror stories by saying that he got them to do things they never dreamed possible.

Excerpt 3

The saga of Steve Jobs is the Silicon Valley creation myth writ large: launching a startup in his parents’ garage and building it into the world’s most valuable company. He didn’t invent many things outright, but he was a master at putting together ideas, art, and technology in ways that invented the future. He designed the Mac after appreciating the power of graphical interfaces in a way that Xerox was unable to do, and he created the iPod after grasping the joy of having a thousand songs in your pocket in a way that Sony, which had all the assets and heritage, never could accomplish. Some leaders push innovations by being good at the big picture. Others do so by mastering details. Jobs did both, relentlessly. As a result he launched a series of products over three decades that transformed whole industries.

Was he smart? No, not exceptionally. Instead, he was a genius. His imaginative leaps were instinctive, unexpected, and at times magical. He was, indeed, an example of what the mathematician Mark Kac called a magician genius, someone whose insights come out of the blue and require intuition more than mere mental processing power. Like a pathfinder, he could absorb information, sniff the winds, and sense what lay ahead.

Steve Jobs thus became the greatest business executive of our era, the one most certain to be remembered a century from now. History will place him in the pantheon right next to Edison and Ford. More than anyone else of his time, he made products that were completely innovative, combining the power of poetry and processors. With a ferocity that could make working with him as unsettling as it was inspiring, he also built the world’s most creative company. And he was able to infuse into its DNA the design sensibilities, perfectionism, and imagination that make it likely to be, even decades from now, the company that thrives best at the intersection of artistry and technology.

Excerpt 4

The difference that Jony has made, not only at Apple but in the world, is huge. He is a wickedly intelligent person in all ways. He understands business concepts, marketing concepts. He picks stuff up just like that, click. He understands what we do at our core better than anyone. If I had a spiritual partner at Apple, it’s Jony. Jony and I think up most of the products together and then pull others in and say, “Hey, what do you think about this?” He gets the big picture as well as the most infinitesimal details about each product. And he understands that Apple is a product company. He’s not just a designer. That’s why he works directly for me. He has more operational power than anyone else at Apple except me. There’s no one who can tell him what to do, or to butt out. That’s the way I set it up.

Excerpt 5

When Jobs gathered his top management for a pep talk just after he became iCEO in September 1997, sitting in the audience was a sensitive and passionate thirty-year-old Brit who was head of the company’s design team. Jonathan Ive, known to all as Jony, was planning to quit. He was sick of the company’s focus on profit maximization rather than product design. Jobs’s talk led him to reconsider. “I remember very clearly Steve announcing that our goal is not just to make money but to make great products,” Ive recalled. “The decisions you make based on that philosophy are fundamentally different from the ones we had been making at Apple.” Ive and Jobs would soon forge a bond that would lead to the greatest industrial design collaboration of their era.

Ive grew up in Chingford, a town on the northeast edge of London. His father was a silversmith who taught at the local college. “He’s a fantastic craftsman,” Ive recalled. “His Christmas gift to me would be one day of his time in his college workshop, during the Christmas break when no one else was there, helping me make whatever I dreamed up.” The only condition was that Jony had to draw by hand what they planned to make. “I always understood the beauty of things made by hand. I came to realize that what was really important was the care that was put into it. What I really despise is when I sense some carelessness in a product.”

Ive enrolled in Newcastle Polytechnic and spent his spare time and summers working at a design consultancy. One of his creations was a pen with a little ball on top that was fun to fiddle with. It helped give the owner a playful emotional connection to the pen. For his thesis he designed a microphone and earpiece—in purest white plastic—to communicate with hearing-impaired kids. His flat was filled with foam models he had made to help him perfect the design. He also designed an ATM machine and a curved phone, both of which won awards from the Royal Society of Arts. Unlike some designers, he didn’t just make beautiful sketches; he also focused on how the engineering and inner components would work. He had an epiphany in college when he was able to design on a Macintosh. “I discovered the Mac and felt I had a connection with the people who were making this product,” he recalled. “I suddenly understood what a company was, or was supposed to be.”

Most helpful customer reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Amazing story of a complex man
By a New Yorker
With the exception of one laptop and 2 non-smart cell phones, in my personal and professional life since 2004 I've had nothing but Apple products - computers (both desktop and laptop), iPads, iPods, and my crown jewel: my iPhone. None has ever disappointed me. I say this not to put forth a review of the Apple products but to explain that I am part of Steve Jobs's choir: I value, respect and rely on the products that he created. I'm sold, so to speak. And so it seemed only logical that I would eventually read this book to gain insight both in the genesis and evolution of Apple and in the person of Steve Jobs. The book did not disappoint in either.

What I found out about the early years and the development of the personal computer was fascinating. I do remember a lot of the news articles from those years - I was living in San Francisco at the time and a good friend of mine worked for Apple - but I would not consider myself previously knowledgeable about Apple in any comprehensive way. I learned so much of the nuts and bolts of Apple Computer, Inc., from this book. The chapters about the creation of the iPod, iPhone and iPad were very interesting to someone who has used these products for years and years and feels she has some proficiency using what they offer me.

But the insight I gained from the book on Steve Jobs the man left me very sad. While I consider him to have been a true genius with an almost other-worldly imagination, I can't imagine that I would have liked him very much or respected him outside of his professional arena. As the founder and developer of Apple Computer, he was spectacular. He had an intense imagination, vision, and belief in things that had yet to be discovered. He was fortunate enough to find those people who had the same precise work ethic that he did. To find those people and to hone the abilities of the ones who stayed, he had no reservations about crushing their substandard efforts or their feelings. The ones who lasted were the ones who believed in his vision and their Jobs-given opportunity to indulge and demonstrate their own creativity. The ones who lasted were the best and brightest the tech and artistic world had to offer. The ones who lasted were the ones who took his ideas and made them into our reality. I am profoundly grateful to them and to him for the advances they made in technology and artistry. And I guess the one cannot exist without the other. Without his exact personality would the tech world have been turned on its ear and eventually controlled by Apple? I don't know. Actually I doubt it.

In terms of his family, it seemed as if his attention to them was given only when it was not required or demanded elsewhere. His children were discussed very little; the same is true about Laurene Powell, his wife. But it is clear that in his wife he found the one person who was his equal in intelligence and commitment. Their marriage is portrayed as strong but him as absent.

The sections on his cancer and eventual death were moving but not enough to make me feel for him as a person. I am sorry he died but my sorrow has to do with the loss of him professionally and what he might have accomplished and achieved had he lived but not with the loss of him as a man. And yet I can recognize his genius and I'm glad I read the book.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A good read
By Jerry Richgels
A poignant story about a very complex character. I am an engineer in Silicon Valley and stories have circulated here about him for decades, mostly about what an A--hole he was. But reading this book brought out for me what a layered, complicated guy he was. It is amazing how he could be so feeling and unfeeling at the same time.
I was a hard drive designer and we were always trying to get into Apple. We were trying to qualify for their "Cube" system and we had issues in their testing. I'd go there to try and solve the problems. They had the drive mounted in this weird orientation I'd never seen before and there was no fan in the Cube. Hard drives were huge heat sources in the days before power management. It was well over our spec of 50C inside the Cube. I whined to the Apple quality engineers about the heat. The quick reply was "Well, your design is s--- then. You should be able to handle that." Who does that sound like? He definitely set the tone for the whole organization. They eventually got what they wanted - same as Steve.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A good starting point for those unfamiliar with Steve Jobs
By Aaron
Thoroughly enjoyed the biography that Walter Isaacson put together. I went into the book hardly knowing anything about Steve Jobs and left it with a general understanding of who he was as a person and as a CEO of Apple. It's hard to believe how fast the computer has advanced from an expensive luxury into being an affordable centerpiece around the family home. Unfortunately it is hard to really determine wether Steve Jobs thoroughly enjoyed life due to his abrasive and general irrational behaviors that ultimately caused the end of his own life. When finished the reader can't help but question the Steve Jobs persona and how damaging it was to others both emotionally and physically.

My only complaints with the book were that there were not enough pictures and that there was some repetitiveness. Also when Walter Isaacson describes Steve Jobs's appearance at Apple events, such as the Apple II reveal or the IPOD, when I searched for their recordings on youtube I found that there was some discrempancies.

I am planning to read Steve Wozniak's biography, whom I hold a better moral standard to than Steve Jobs, next in order to gain some more insight into those early Apple days. Also I really liked the paperback version of this Biography both in terms of feel on the hands and the overall aesthetic look to it.

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[J316.Ebook] Download Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson Doc

[J316.Ebook] Download Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson Doc

[J316.Ebook] Download Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson Doc
[J316.Ebook] Download Steve Jobs, by Walter Isaacson Doc

Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

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Tycoon Warrior, by Sheri WhiteFeather

Dakota Lewis wanted only one thing-his wife! By law, Kathy Lewis was still married to him, but she was not under his roof...in his bed. This bold modern Native American warrior had faced many fights, but confronting the painful truth of why she'd walked out might be an even tougher ordeal. Bitterly regretting that he hadn't been there when his Kathy needed him most, Dakota was now fully determined never to leave her side again....

  • Sales Rank: #373117 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2011-04-18
  • Released on: 2011-04-18
  • Format: Kindle eBook

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
it took forever for them to finally talk openly
By RomReader
Estranged wife sees her husband Hero again after she suddenly left him 3 years before. They have to pretend to be happily married to find the culprit who's planning on sabotaging the royalty of a little European kingdom. Their work together shows them they still have strong feelings for each other. But heroine can see that Hero is still very much married to his military career. Hero on the other hand still doesn't understand why she left what he thought was a good marriage. When will these 2 openly talk about what happened in the past?

It took until page 142 for Hero & heroine to finally talk about why she left him 3 years ago. For 141 pages, they tiptoed around the issue. Their marriage must've been based on sex & niceties if these 2 couldn't even talk about why she left for weeks when they say each other again & not even considering the 3 years that passed when they could've emailed or phoned or wrote each other. Heroine wanted Hero to prove she meant more to him than his military job by chasing after her when she left him. But he didn't because of his pride & this strange sense of respecting her space. So she keeps her miscarriage & her feelings about being abandoned by Hero due to his job a secret all that time. While Hero kept his love & waiting for heroine to go back to him all to himself too. These 2 were driving me nuts with their passivity & secret pinings! The sexual chemistry was good but it was pretty much the only thing going for them. The only other thing I liked about these 2 were that both remained celibate during their 3-year estrangement.

The action-suspense parts were predictable & uninteresting. They seem like page-fillers & gave an excuse for the main characters to see each other again. Overall pacing dragged.

Minimally recommended.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
By Cloggie Downunder
Tycoon Warrior is a book by Sheri Whitefeather in the Texas Cattleman’s Club: Lone Star Jewels series. Dakota Lewis, ex-soldier, is still involved in dangerous missions. And it was during such a mission that his wife, Kathy left him. But she has never told him why, and she is beginning to feel guilty about that. For one thing, she still loves him. For another, she might just be asking something of Dakota that is unreasonable. This is a somewhat tedious romance that pivots on the lack of communication between husband and wife. The hero is rather too perfect; the heroine, simply frustrating. It is part of a series, but can be read as a stand-alone. It would have benefitted from some judicious editing. Mediocre.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
The story drags
By Becka
This is the second story in this series that was like this: there is no communication between the main characters and the story drags out until it is almost painful. No... it was painful! I kept hoping that there was more to the story than regrets and sadness, but I ended up pretty disappointed. Especially at the end with the way the characters reacted to something very important that would affect the rest of their lives. I want to say more, but I don't want to give out spoilers... so I'll say I should have went with my gut and passed on this one. 2 1/2 stars

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Senin, 10 Mei 2010

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  • Sales Rank: #5573400 in Books
  • Published on: 1999
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Sabtu, 08 Mei 2010

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  • Sales Rank: #3897528 in Books
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Rabu, 05 Mei 2010

[U315.Ebook] Ebook Free Food Photography: Pro Secrets for Styling, Lighting & Shooting, by Lara Ferroni

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Food Photography: Pro Secrets for Styling, Lighting & Shooting, by Lara Ferroni

Top blogger and pro photographer Lara Ferroni serves up a one-stop guide to food-photography success! Packed with her tried-and-true secrets, this comprehensive guide details everything you need to know about sourcing and styling food, drinks, and props. Ferroni profiles several of the industry's top professional food photographers, and includes detailed case studies of their most successful shots--complete with lighting diagrams and equipment setups. This diverse collection of stunning images images and easy-to-follow shooting instructions perfectly encompasses the field of modern food photography, covering everything from blog and editorial photography to corporate advertising and publicity shots. 

  • Sales Rank: #1091993 in Books
  • Brand: Ferroni, Lara
  • Published on: 2012-03-06
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.75" h x 7.50" w x .75" l, 1.47 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 192 pages

About the Author
Lara Ferroni is a successful Seattle-based food photographer and acclaimed food-photography workshop leader. Lara's work has been featured on blogs such as Design*Sponge and ThePictureKitchen.com. Her extensive list of professional clients includes Epicurious.com, Gourmet.com, Imbibe Magazine, Katia's Chocolates, Herbco International, and Seattle Coffee Works, to name a few. Lara's photos have appeared in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times. She is also the author of the recipe book Doughnuts.

Most helpful customer reviews

35 of 40 people found the following review helpful.
Reevaluated and feel it's great for beginners
By Debbi Smirnoff
This is a basic beginner book. Looking at Lara's beautiful blog, I expected more from the book. There were lot's of pretty pictures and not one setup shot! There are sketched setups in the back of the book with various other food photographers (not Lara)

She covers basic food photography lens, tripod, cameras. She shares some stylist info, but there are better food photogrsphy books out there with way more info, like Food Photography by Nicole Young or Plate to Pixel by Helene Dujardin.
Save yourself some money and skip this book by Lara.
One year later:
That was my initial review, but after llighting for a year I see there is no ' one size fits all' lighting setup. This s a wonderful book for beginners and the diagrams in the back are very helpful starting points

7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Okay on Style, Short on Information.
By Nash Black
Lara Ferroni's FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY is a blanket survey of a growing industry. A reader looking for information on formal and informal aspects of food photography will not find it in this volume.
The information on the tools of photography, lighting, etc. is lacking in depth, and though interesting, the photo-essays of practitioners of the art provide little information as to their techniques or composition of their work.
Very few, if any secrets in this volume that are not covered in other works in this field.
Nash Black, author of SANDPRINTS OF DEATH

4 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
very poor photography.
By paul hepworth
As a studio photographer I was looking to be inspired by this book. The photography was poor, the display and food placing was even worse and no hints and tips as to the props one uses in food styling.
I had to be inspired from You tube tutorials to get my inspirations.
What a waste of my money and time.
Went straight into the bin what a waste of money.

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Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

[R521.Ebook] Download PDF Lonely Planet Myanmar (Burma) (Travel Guide), by Lonely Planet, Simon Richmond, Austin Bush, David Eimer, Mark Elliott, Nick Ray

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Lonely Planet Myanmar (Burma) (Travel Guide), by Lonely Planet, Simon Richmond, Austin Bush, David Eimer, Mark Elliott, Nick Ray

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Lonely Planet Myanmar (Burma) (Travel Guide), by Lonely Planet, Simon Richmond, Austin Bush, David Eimer, Mark Elliott, Nick Ray

Lonely Planet: The world's leading travel guide publisher

Lonely Planet Myanmar (Burma) is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Admire Shwedagon Paya's sheer size and mystical aura, visit the water-bound temples on Inle Lake, or float over Bagan's temple tops in a hot-air balloon; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Myanmar (Burma) and begin your journey now!

Inside Lonely Planet's Myanmar (Burma) Travel Guide:

  • Colour maps and images throughout
  • Highlights and itineraries help you tailor your trip to your personal needs and interests
  • Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots
  • Essential info at your fingertips - hours of operation, phone numbers, websites, transit tips, prices
  • Honest reviews for all budgets - eating, sleeping, sight-seeing, going out, shopping, hidden gems that most guidebooks miss
  • Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - including customs, religion, history, art, literature, cinema, music, architecture, politics, landscapes, wildlife, cuisine
  • Over 60 maps
  • Covers Yangon, Mandalay, Bagan, Kayin State, Thazi, Kalaw, Pyin Oo Lwin, Hsipaw, Shwebo, Mrauk U, Myitkyina, Central Myanmar, Northern Myanmar, Eastern Myanmar, Southern Myanmar, Western Myanmar and more

The Perfect Choice: Lonely Planet Myanmar (Burma), our most comprehensive guide to Myanmar (Burma), is perfect for both exploring top sights and taking roads less travelled.

  • Looking for more extensive coverage? Check out Lonely Planet's Southeast Asia on a Shoestring guide.

Authors: Written and researched by Lonely Planet, Simon Richmond, Austin Bush, David Eimer, Mark Elliott and Nick Ray.

About Lonely Planet: Since 1973, Lonely Planet has become the world's leading travel media company with guidebooks to every destination, an award-winning website, mobile and digital travel products, and a dedicated traveller community. Lonely Planet covers must-see spots but also enables curious travellers to get off beaten paths to understand more of the culture of the places in which they find themselves.

  • Sales Rank: #34123 in Books
  • Published on: 2014-08-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.76" h x .71" w x 5.04" l, .75 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 424 pages

About the Author
Mark Elliott has a BFA in illustration from the School of Visual Arts. He has illustrated a number of book covers, and his work has been exhibited at the Society of Illustrators and the Art Directors Guild. Mark lives on a sheep farm in the Hudson Valley region of New York.

Most helpful customer reviews

55 of 61 people found the following review helpful.
shabby rehash of 2011 version, also out of date already since 2012
By Michael montyman
Many things have changed in Myanmar since so called "Democracy" and since the 2010 elections many places have been opened up to travellers and tourists previously inaccessible before 2012 (unless with expensive govt guide driver and permits etc,) as the country suddenly filled with tourists who previously would not go because of UN sanctions etc , However the NEW 2014 lonely planet guide is just a rehash of the poorly updated 2011 version and a shameful discredit to its author Simon Richmonds reputation . Burma /Myanmar is now become open to backpackers ie overland entry and exit via Kawthung and Maesot . Also overland exit via chin district to India previously unattainable by local bus. Also Mrauk is now accessible by local bus via Ann denied previously. All these points have been igbnored and overlooked in this allegedly updated version and backpackers are still recommended in the guide to follow old prior to democracy routes ie flying and long boat journeys. The book glosses over the plight and genocide of the Rohyngha and is at best just a rehash of the very poor 2011 version. Lonelyplanet and the author Simon Richmond should be ashamed of their lack of principles and efforts in areas where the backpacker will be dissappointed if he/she takes their advice on areas they suggest ie ‘still you can only fly’, whereas those of us who love Myanmar and its people grab these opportunities to head into previously uncharted territory whilst this guide book and its lack of research by the author shows disresepct for those backpackers who are its target, although I personally think its aimed at upmarket accommodation for the "Flashpacker" (see kalow) and yet still sends the naive and trusting backpacker into places noted for their cheating tourists, like Golden Lilly in Kalow etc It lacks research and also lacks important changes in travel within Myanmar as with Mrauk U chin state and Myiktyna etc etc although with hindsight it took 7 years for them to acknowledge Sein Sein in Bhamo as best restaurant, something Stefan loose guide book on Myanmar acknowledged years before and I personally found by accident . Sorry but out of date and disrespectful to those who want a valuable updated guide to this beautiful country. Suggest Lonely planet do a recall and properly update the important changes before the release of the paper back version this month until then use other sources or second hand older version

11 of 11 people found the following review helpful.
Lacking in breadth and depth, but Ok for the casual/first time visitor.
By Giles Peach
While I didn't expect it to have the same breadth of regions/sights as say, Thailand. I was also disappointed with the depth of those areas that are covered.
I'm a frequent traveller to Myanmar and have found both this and the 2 previous editions only semi-useful. This most recent edition definitely feels like it was thrown together just so they could say that they had made an update. Other than a few newer hotels in major destinations, there wasn't that much else put in it seems.
Having said that, if your're just going to the main tourist areas such as Bagan, Inle, Yangon, etc, this will provide you with plenty of things to see and places to stay. If you're really wanting to scratch beneath the surface and get off the beaten track, you're much better off speaking with the undeniably friendly and helpful locals.

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
The Best Available...Though Far from Great
By Yoby
Certainly more useful than any other book out there, but Lonely Planet continues to disappoint. Chapters are arranged in illogical order, map legends appear on the pages after the map and someone needs to seriously vet the "highlighted" hotels and restaurants. I found many superior lodgings and eateries with better prices just by walking the streets for a few minutes. I long for the days when Rough Guides regularly published guides in book format, but until they return, Lonely Planet is your best bet. Indispensable if you are travelling independently to Myanmar.

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Minggu, 02 Mei 2010

[F173.Ebook] Free PDF The Credit Scoring Toolkit: Theory and Practice for Retail Credit Risk Management and Decision Automation, by Raymond Anderson

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The Credit Scoring Toolkit: Theory and Practice for Retail Credit Risk Management and Decision Automation, by Raymond Anderson

The Credit Scoring Toolkit: Theory and Practice for Retail Credit Risk Management and Decision Automation, by Raymond Anderson

The Credit Scoring Toolkit: Theory and Practice for Retail Credit Risk Management and Decision Automation, by Raymond Anderson

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The Credit Scoring Toolkit: Theory and Practice for Retail Credit Risk Management and Decision Automation, by Raymond Anderson

Credit scoring aims to quantify the likelihood of a prospective borrower defaulting on payment over a specified period of time. The credit score is calculated using increasingly sophisticated statistical models, which vary considerably between individual cases. This clearly-written and comprehensive text covers the scorecard development process and provides a practical how-to guide for those wanting to use and develop credit scoring techniques.

Assuming little prior knowledge, the text includes the relevant statistical and mathematical tools, numerous real-life examples, and discussion of the credit risk management cycle and the importance of credit scoring in business and regulatory environments, including Basel II.

An extensive glossary and bibliography make this an indispensable desktop reference for graduate students in statistics, business, economics and finance, MBA students, credit risk and financial practitioners.

  • Sales Rank: #710797 in Books
  • Published on: 2007-08-30
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 7.30" h x 1.90" w x 9.70" l, 3.70 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 731 pages

This is an extremely valuable and timely book on a very important topic ... Anderson has provided a great service to all who use Credit Scoring techniques. Barry Scholnick PhD, Eric Geddes Associate Professor of Business, University of Alberta It is a superb mixture of a practical how to do guide for those wanting to use and develop credit scoring together with a way of putting the decisions it supports in context and the techniques it uses in a general modelling framework. Professor Lyn Thomas, Professor of Management Science, Scholl of Management, University of Southampton

From the Author
If you've written the thing, of course you're going to brag. This work was took four years, and involved thousands of hours reading and research, to provide a view of the topic from practically every possible angle: statistics, economics, finance, law, history, and so on. And even though I already had several years experience in the field, its creation took me on a journey of learning.

Although written by a practitioner, the book is extremely well referenced and suited for academic environments (the bibliography and glossary are 15 and 40 pages long, respectively). It takes a non-geocentric approach, and strives present broad principles instead of focussing upon the situation in any one country. Even so, it is most relevant to the UK and USA environments, for which the most information is available.

Comments received from colleagues have thus far have included "awesome", "art", and "bible", as I really tried to draw upon my writing abilities to create something that "is in a totally different league" to other works. If you have any interest in retail credit, whether as a bank, retailer, or service provider, I am sure you will find this book of value.

From the Back Cover
"This is an extremely valuable and timely book on a very important topic... Anderson had provided a great service to all who use Credit Scoring techniques."
Barry Scholnick PhD, Eric Geddes Associate Professor of Business, University of Alberta

"It is a superb mixture of a practical how to do guide for those wanting to develop credit scoring together with a way of putting the decisions it supports in context and the techniques it uses in a general modelling framework."
Professor Lyn Thomas, Professor of Management Science, School of Management, University of Southampton.

The Credit Scoring Toolkit provides an all-encompassing view of the use of statistical models to assess retail credit risk and provide automated decisions, and in eight modules it provides frameworks for both theory and practice. The book first explores the economic justification and history of Credit Scoring, risk linkages and decision science, statistical and mathematical tools, the assessment of business enterprises, and regulatory issues ranging from data privacy to Basel II. It then provides a practical how-to-guide for scorecard development, including data collection, scorecard implementation, and use within the credit risk management cycle.

Including numerous real-life examples and an extensive glossary and bibliography, the text assumes little prior knowledge making it an indispensable desktop reference for graduate students in statistics, business, economics and finance, MBA students, credit risk and financial practitioners.

- Highly-accessible guide to Credit Scoring
- Comprehensive, up-to-date, and wide ranging
- Assumes little prior knowledge
- Numerous examples and illustrations
- Extensive glossary and bibliography

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Amazing contents..
By Kbcard
I have experiance of developing scoring models over 11 years. But I never have seen like this reference book which has most important things. It contains from the start of scoring models to the end of scoring models, so if you have interest in scoring models and retail credit risk management then never miss this oppertunity for you..

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Felipe Llaugel Emiliano

12 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Overpriced and Overrated
By Limorkil
This is by no means a bad book, but do not let the high price tag fool you into thinking this is the best out there. It is very comprehensive, although everything is either at an annoyingly high level or an unhelpful low level, with nothing much between. You can get a feel for WHAT people do when they create scoring models, but not necessarily WHY or HOW they do it.

I think the worst feature is that the book is very uneven, almost like it was written by two people: one experienced and non-technical, the other highly technical but working in a different field. The non-technical parts are highly readable, if somewhat wordy and slightly vague. Then, in parts, the book switches to "statistics 101" mode and throws a lot of jargon at you which - even for those who can understand it - is not terribly enlightening. Maybe the author had someone else write those parts, or maybe he copied heavily from some statistical papers without really understanding what he was writing.

Don't get me wrong: this book is a pretty good overview. It is certainly no worse than 90% of the subject matter out there and the high level parts are very engaging. But if you were thinking paying >$150 would get you something more in depth or a different perspective or approach then you will probably be disappointed.

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Medizinische Psychologie und medizinische Soziologie von A bis Z, by Thomas Babor

  • Published on: 2005-06-30
  • Format: Import
  • Original language: German
  • Dimensions: 9.69" h x 1.50" w x 8.27" l,
  • Binding: Hardcover

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