Jumat, 30 April 2010

[Q140.Ebook] Free Ebook Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters

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Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters

Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters

Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters

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Fingersmith, by Sarah Waters

“Oliver Twist with a twist…Waters spins an absorbing tale that withholds as much as it discloses. A pulsating story.”—The New York Times Book Review
The Handmaiden, a film adaptation of Fingersmith, directed by Park Chan-wook and starring Kim Tae-Ri, is coming to theaters this fall 

Sue Trinder is an orphan, left as an infant in the care of Mrs. Sucksby, a "baby farmer," who raised her with unusual tenderness, as if Sue were her own. Mrs. Sucksby’s household, with its fussy babies calmed with doses of gin, also hosts a transient family of petty thieves—fingersmiths—for whom this house in the heart of a mean London slum is home.

One day, the most beloved thief of all arrives—Gentleman, an elegant con man, who carries with him an enticing proposition for Sue: If she wins a position as the maid to Maud Lilly, a naïve gentlewoman, and aids Gentleman in her seduction, then they will all share in Maud’s vast inheritance. Once the inheritance is secured, Maud will be disposed of—passed off as mad, and made to live out the rest of her days in a lunatic asylum.

With dreams of paying back the kindness of her adopted family, Sue agrees to the plan. Once in, however, Sue begins to pity her helpless mark and care for Maud Lilly in unexpected ways...But no one and nothing is as it seems in this Dickensian novel of thrills and reversals.

  • Sales Rank: #6701 in Books
  • Brand: Riverhead Trade
  • Published on: 2002-10-01
  • Released on: 2002-10-01
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 8.00" h x 1.20" w x 5.20" l,
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 582 pages
  • Great product!

Amazon.com Review
Fingersmith is the third slice of engrossing lesbian Victoriana from Sarah Waters. Although lighter and more melodramatic in tone than its predecessor, Affinity, this hypnotic suspense novel is awash with all manner of gloomy Dickensian leitmotifs: pickpockets, orphans, grim prisons, lunatic asylums, "laughing villains," and, of course, "stolen fortunes and girls made out to be mad." Divided into three parts, the tale is narrated by two orphaned girls whose lives are inextricably linked. Waters's penchant for byzantine plotting can get a bit exhausting, but even at its densest moments--and remember, this is smoggy London circa 1862--it remains mesmerizing. A damning critique of Victorian moral and sexual hypocrisy, a gripping melodrama, and a love story to boot, this book ingeniously reworks some truly classic themes. --Travis Elborough, Amazon.co.uk

From Library Journal
In Victorian London, the orphaned Sue Trinder is raised by Mrs. Sucksby, den mother to a family of thieves, or "fingersmiths." To repay Mrs. Sucksby's kindness, Sue gets involved in a scam but soon regrets it. From the award-winning author of Tipping the Velvet.
Copyright 2001 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist
Waters' third novel, set in Victorian England, opens when Sue Trinder, an orphan raised by a band of thieves, is recruited by Richard Rivers, a con man known as Gentleman, to help him in his quest to marry Maud Lilly, an heiress living in isolation in the country with her eccentric uncle. Maud stands to inherit a small fortune when she marries, and Gentleman intends to marry her, steal her inheritance, and imprison her in a madhouse. Sue agrees to pose as a maid to Maud and to gain her confidence. But Sue finds Maud sweet and trusting, and, to her surprise, she begins to fall in love with Maud and have serious misgivings about Gentleman's plan. But Sue only knows a small part of the scheme, and it will affect both her and Maud in ways she does not realize. The intricate plotting and startling revelations will keep the reader enthralled, rapidly turning the pages to get to the exciting conclusion. Waters' gripping, engrossing thriller would make the Victorian master of suspense, Wilkie Collins, proud. Kristine Huntley
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

Most helpful customer reviews

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Implausible plots
By Sen Peng Eu
*** Spoiler alert ***

I read the book knowing that it is a Booker award nominee, but without knowing the plot, without knowing that there is a BBC miniseries, without knowing that this is a crime novel with a lesbian love in a time of Dickens.

Waters did try hard to put the elements of lesbian love into the time, and tried hard to make everything plausible. To be fair this is a enjoyable read as the theme and the story is very unusual. However my opinion is toward negative.

First, the plot. It is so contrived with so many twists that you feel that there is no surprise if in the next chapter everything is upside down again, and once more in the next next chapter you are told that everything is a dream.

Second, Mrs Sucksby. I just cannot understand Mrs Sucksby: How can she (1) exchange her own daughter with somebody and wait for 17 years just for a insecure future money, and (2) how can she not love, not a bit, the exchanged fake daughter after 17 years of living together so as to send her into a mad house without rue? These two facts are simply unreasonable but so crucial in the book; and the plot of Gentleman and Sucksby, and hence the whole setting of the book is based on this. It just cannot persuade me.

Finally, most of the characters are flat. The tone and language of Sue is too mature and erudite for an illiterate. How can she know Helen and Troy? How can she know so many rare words? The dialogue and reaction between the characters of Lant street in the scene that Sue is back with a knife is ridiculous enough -- that is too calm and rational, too many words, to be true.

Overall this is a enjoyable but light read. A good novel makes readers feel for the characters and care for their fates. A great novel makes readers ponder. However for this one, It seems there are too many plots and not so many deep things to ponder if the plots are dropped out.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Loved it!
By Lori Lesko
The definition of fingersmith: (slang), for a midwife or pickpocket. This holds true for both as you'll soon see.

I swear Sarah Waters must have a time machine at her disposal to be able to write such depth and intricate details of London in the 1800's. No stone goes unturned in this one. From the slums, to the city life, to a boarded-up mansion and lunatic asylum--it all comes bursting off the pages in this master piece of a novel.

As for the plot, it revolves around a bunch of con artists. And I, for one always enjoy those types of stories. Who doesn't like it when cons try to out do each other? Especially when the characters are so completely developed, their backgrounds exposed, well, as much that can be explained by the author at the time. For yes! You, my lovely readers will be conned as well. Your breathing will increase and you'll find yourself slipping back and forth a few pages to make sure what you just read and that it was truly happening.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Victorian London and a heist scheme......
By Brandy L. Hinkey
I was drawn in by the fact that I've loved other books by this author. She has a way of making you feel as though you're a part of Victorian London. Her descriptions of people, places and even mundane things are a true lyrical gift. However, the middle of this book dragged on for me. It was as though we were living through Maud & Sue's dreary days with them. I get that some of that is necessary to create suspense, but after a while, it seemed overkill and it got stale.

The beginning and the end were fabulous, and even parts of the middle sucked me in. There were a lot of twists that got me and some that didn't. No doubt, however, that there is no clear "good" or "bad" characters in this novel, only varying shades of gray- and I loved that!!

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Rabu, 28 April 2010

[O554.Ebook] Fee Download Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East, by Oscar E. Gilbert

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Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East, by Oscar E. Gilbert

Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East, by Oscar E. Gilbert

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Marine Corps Tank Battles in the Middle East, by Oscar E. Gilbert

In the aftermath of Vietnam a new generation of Marines was determined to wage a smarter kind of war. The tank, the very symbol of power and violence, would play a key role in a new concept of mobile warfare, not seen since the dashes of World War II. The emphasis would be not on brutal battles of attrition, but on paralyzing the enemy by rapid maneuver and overwhelming but judicious use of firepower. Yet in two wars with Iraq, the tankers, as well as the crews of the new Light Armored Vehicles, quickly found themselves in a familiar role―battering through some of the strongest defenses in the world by frontal assault, fighting their way through towns and cities.

In America’s longest continual conflict, armored Marines became entangled in further guerilla war, this time amid the broiling deserts, ancient cities, and rich farmlands of Iraq, and in the high, bleak wastes of Afghanistan. It was a familiar kind of war against a fanatical foe who brutalized civilians, planted sophisticated roadside bombs, and seized control of entire cities. It has been a maddening war of clearing roads, escorting convoys, endless sweep operations to locate and destroy insurgent strongholds, protecting voting sites for free elections, and recapturing and rebuilding urban centers. It’s been a war in which the tanks repeatedly provided the outnumbered infantry with precise and decisive firepower. The tankers even added a new trick to their repertoire―long-range surveillance.

Our fights against Iraq in 1991 and in the post-9/11 years have seen further wars that demanded that unique combination of courage, tenacity, professionalism, and versatility that makes a Marine no better friend, and no worse enemy. This book fully describes how our Marine Corps tankers have risen to the occasion.

  • Sales Rank: #150544 in Books
  • Published on: 2015-02-19
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.10" h x .90" w x 6.10" l, .0 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 312 pages

The book is written at a lively place, with plenty of first-hand accounts by marines that pull no punches in highlighting the brutal nature of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is well illustrated with maps and 16 pages of black-and-white photographs. It's certainly a compelling read and highly recommended to those with an interest in modern-day conflicts. (Military Modelcraft International)

About the Author
OSCAR E. GILBERT, Ph.D., is a former marine artilleryman and currently a geoscientist living in Texas. His previous published works include the widely acclaimed "Marine Tank Battles in the Pacific" (2001) and "Marine Corps Tank Battles in Korea" (2003).

Most helpful customer reviews

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
Marine Tanks
By john hughes
Another excellent book in the history of Marine Corps Tanks.The author, Ed Gilbert,refers to it as the last volume in his series.Hang around another 5-10 yrs.,Mr.Gilbert ;,with the world situation volume 5 or 6 may be needed before to long.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
USMC Tanks
By D. Scott Jones
Well written history that is part of a multi-volume series beginning with WWII, then Korea and Vietnam. I recommend it - and I've read most of what is available on the subject.

5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.
Marine Tank modern warfare
By Jeff
A slow read but we'll worth it of Marine Armoured battles in the Iraq and Afghanistan. Plenty of detail and personnel stories about what it was like and the equipment used.

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Selasa, 27 April 2010

[P769.Ebook] Fee Download Atlas Obscura: An Explorer's Guide to the World's Hidden Wonders, by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, Ella Morton

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Atlas Obscura: An Explorer's Guide to the World's Hidden Wonders, by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, Ella Morton

Atlas Obscura: An Explorer's Guide to the World's Hidden Wonders, by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, Ella Morton

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Atlas Obscura: An Explorer's Guide to the World's Hidden Wonders, by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras, Ella Morton

It's time to get off the beaten path. Inspiring equal parts wonder and wanderlust, Atlas Obscura celebrates over 700 of the strangest and most curious places in the world.

Talk about a bucket list: here are natural wonders—the dazzling glowworm caves in New Zealand, or a baobob tree in South Africa that's so large it has a pub inside where 15 people can drink comfortably. Architectural marvels, including the M.C. Escher-like stepwells in India. Mind-boggling events, like the Baby Jumping Festival in Spain, where men dressed as devils literally vault over rows of squirming infants. Not to mention the Great Stalacpipe Organ in Virginia, Turkmenistan's 40-year hole of fire called the Gates of Hell, a graveyard for decommissioned ships on the coast of Bangladesh, eccentric bone museums in Italy, or a weather-forecasting invention that was powered by leeches, still on display in Devon, England.

Created by Joshua Foer, Dylan Thuras and Ella Morton, ATLAS OBSCURA revels in the weird, the unexpected, the overlooked, the hidden and the mysterious. Every page expands our sense of how strange and marvelous the world really is. And with its compelling descriptions, hundreds of photographs, surprising charts, maps for every region of the world, it is a book to enter anywhere, and will be as appealing to the armchair traveler as the die-hard adventurer.

Anyone can be a tourist. ATLAS OBSCURA is for the explorer.

  • Sales Rank: #49 in Books
  • Brand: Workman Publishing
  • Published on: 2016-09-20
  • Released on: 2016-09-20
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.70" h x 1.50" w x 7.30" l, 2.00 pounds
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • 480 pages
  • Discover a hidden wonders of our world
  • Explore the planet as never before
  • Colorfully illustrated atlas that reveals interesting bits of fascinating information.

“Fair warning: It's addictive.” —NPR, “Cosmos & Culture”

“In this gorgeous collection, the celebrated Atlas Obscura website is condensed into 480 pages of awe-inspiring destinations. For lovers of history and exploration, the striking color photographs will spark immediate wanderlust.” —Entertainment Weekly

“A perfect tome for the armchair explorer and the actual traveler alike.” —Austin American Statesman

“Odds are you won’t get past three pages without being amazed at something truly strange that you didn’t know existed.” —San Francisco Chronicle

“Richly illustrated, delightfully strange, this compendium of off-beat destinations should spark many adventures, both terrestrial and imaginary.” —Boston Globe

“The most addictive book of the year.” —Colin McEnroe, WNPR

“Whether describing a Canadian museum that showcases world history through shoes, a pet-casket company that will also sell you a unit for your severed limb, a Greek snake festival, or a place in the Canary Islands where inhabitants communicate through whistling, the authors have compiled an enthralling range of oddities. Featuring full-color illustrations, this hefty and gorgeously produced tome will be eagerly pored over by readers of many ages and fans of the original website.”—Booklist (Starred Review)

“A travel guide for the most adventurous of tourists . . . a wonderful browse [for] armchair travelers who enjoyed Brandon Stanton’s Humans of New York and Frank Warren’s PostSecret.” —Library Journal

“The book is for people who prefer to live like locals when they travel, seek out new cultures on vacation, or just prefer the weirdness of history to traditional by-the-book experiences. Even if you can’t travel, Atlas Obscura is a window into places you’d otherwise never know existed.” —lifehacker

“I thought I had seen most of the interesting bits of the world. Atlas Obscura showed me that I was wrong.It's the kind of book that makes you want to pack in your workaday life and head out to places you'd never have dreamed of going, to see things you could not even have imagined. A joy to read and to reread.”
—NEIL GAIMAN, author of Sandman and American Gods

“Atlas Obscura is a joyful antidote to the creeping suspicion that travel these days is little more than a homogenized corporate shopping opportunity.Here are hundreds of surprising, perplexing, mind-blowing, inspiring reasons to travel a day longer and farther off the path. . . . Bestest travel guide ever.”
—MARY ROACH, author of Stiff and Gulp

“Atlas Obscura may be the only thing that can still inspire me to leave my apartment. . . . This resource is essential for exploring the world and engaging adventure with wit and style (often from the comfort of my bed).”
—LENA DUNHAM, creator of Girls and author of Not That Kind of Girl

“My favorite travel guide! Never start a trip without knowing where a haunted hotel or a mouth of hell is!”
—GUILLERMO DEL TORO, filmmaker, Pan’s Labyrinth
“What a strange and wonderful book! It is as curious and surprising as Saddam Hussein’s very own Blood Qur’an—written in his own blood—which I would never have known about had I not read the amazing Atlas Obscura.”
—JON RONSON, author of So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed
“This book is as curious and enthralling as the world it covers. Each page reveals some hidden realm—a realm that is frightening, or funny, or magical, or simply mad, but that always leaves the reader in wonder.”
—DAVID GRANN, author of The Lost City of Z: A Tale of Deadly Obsession in the Amazon

“Your peregrine falcon needs a small talon trim? Go straight to the Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital. . . . Be grateful when visiting the Karni Mata Rat Temple if one of the 20,000 venerated rodents runs across your bare foot—it is considered good luck. . . . You won’t be able to enter the 20-years-in-the-making and still abandoned tallest hotel in the world. It does not matter. Wherever you look around Pyongyang, North Korea, the 105-story skyscraper silently towers over all. . . . Life is short. Our planet is filled with curiosities and marvels . . . and this wondrous book is your guide!”
—PHILIPPE PETIT, high-wire artist and explorer

About the Author
Joshua Foer is the cofounder and chairman of Atlas Obscura. He is also the author of Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything, a bestseller published in 33 languages, and a forthcoming book about the world's last hunter-gatherers.

Dylan Thuras is the cofounder and creative director of Atlas Obscura.

Ella Morton is a New Zealand-born, Australian-raised, Brooklyn-based writer, focusing on overlooked aspects of history and culture. After covering consumer technology at CNET she hosted Rocketboom NYC, a web show about New York’s quirkier people and places. Her most popular interview was a chat with Cookie Monster on the set of Sesame Street. Ella is now associate editor at AtlasObscura.com, where she writes about such topics as tobacco smoke enemas, Victorian streaming music services, and the etiquette of marrying a ghost.

Most helpful customer reviews

38 of 39 people found the following review helpful.
One part Ripley's Believe It or not, One part National Geographic Magazine, and Entirely Enjoyable
By rebogamy
The world is still filled with interesting, exotic, and improbable places. In the twenty-first century, when you can wash down your KFC chicken with a Starbucks vente frappucino in Beijing, it is refreshing to re-discover the awe and mystery of travel. This is a perfect book for a two minute break whenever your spirit needs boosting. Whether you find Jeremy Bentham's mummified corpse at University College London; the Beer Bottle Temple in Sisaket, Thailand; or the Canadian Potato Museum in D'Leary, PEI, you can return to your drab, dreary existence with the assurance that the World is "not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose". Buy this book! Revel in the places that you've seen! Revel in the places that you'd like to see! You won't be disappointed.

35 of 38 people found the following review helpful.
A book as rich and unexpected as the world it covers
By Mark Mulvey
This book exceeded my already higher-than-average expectations. It's gorgeously designed and PACKED with interestingness on every page. The page layouts are complex and varied too, so it's fun to flip through and land on random sections about odd, wondrous places and artifacts halfway around the world (or in your own hometown!). So the act of making your way through the book feels like the kind of discovery and adventure covered in the content itself. Brilliant.

I pre-ordered this because I was already a huge fan of the website and decided to support the project. I figured at the very least I'd have a gift ready for the holidays. But I am absolutely keeping this for myself, and will probably buy another copy for one of my family members soon. The book inspires you to venture out and explore, and reminds you that even in this era of Google Earth and Twitter there is plenty of mystery left out there that's waiting to be stumbled upon.

17 of 18 people found the following review helpful.
A very interesting read, even if you're not actually able to visit many of the sites described!
By Christopher E
I bought this for a 30-year old nephew whose county count was, I believe, pushing 40 about a year ago, and I think it may satisfy even him. (He’s the hardest to buy for member of the entire family!)

I read a short description of the book in the travel section of the SF Chronicle a few weeks ago, and made the purchase based on that. Well, that combined with my sister verifying that her son might actually appreciate this book!

There are many hundreds of places and things described over about 450 pages, with most including a photo, and the balance a drawing. I think the only things without a graphic are the short, “Also in or near…” entries. Those graphics add interest and tend to draw you in, encouraging you to read the piece about whatever is depicted graphically.

The book must weigh something like 2 pounds – just guessing – meaning you might not be likely to pack it in your suitcase. However, it’s easy enough to take digital photos of any entries you may want to have easy access to on a trip. It’s printed on heavy paper, and I like that the pages are a pleasing, very light buff color, much nicer than stark white. Point being, it’s aesthetically a very nicely put together book.

Because I bought this as a gift, I've looked through it closely but have not read it cover to cover. The entries seem to be written for a variety of readers and travelers, but certainly far from the lowest common denominator. It’s not a typical travel book! I don’t find every entry to be about a fascinating item, but a great many are, and possibly none whatsoever are dull. Even things that might not seem of particular interest based on the heading end up proving to be interesting when you get into the text. That said, there are items about things I have no interest in seeing, e.g., “Lake Monsters of the USA,” but there don’t seem to be many of that sort of thing included. As with "Lake Monsters," even if you (or a recipient) aren't likely to visit many of the places described, I think for many curious people this would make for an interesting read even without the travel element.

It's not a perfect book, and I don't think any one book can be perfect for all readers, but I do think it's very good and I can easily recommend it for anyone who might be potentially interested. Given the quality of the contents and of the physical item itself, I am very pleased with the price. Easy 5 stars and recommendation!

See all 162 customer reviews...

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Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, 3rd Edition, by Richard Spears

Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, 3rd Edition, by Richard Spears

Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, 3rd Edition, by Richard Spears

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Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, 3rd Edition, by Richard Spears

A useful guide to everyday American English to help you understand meanings and avoid difficulty in translation

In this new edition of Common American Phrases in Everyday Contexts, noted lexicographer Richard A. Spears shares with you 1,900 of the most common phrases and colloquial expressions used in contemporary American English. Here you will discover the greetings, good-byes, and everyday small talk that Americans use daily. All entries have been selected with the special needs of you, the nonnative speaker of English, in mind!

Inside you'll find:

  • Examples or short dialogues with each entry that illustrate how the phrase is used in everyday speaking
  • Usage restrictions or warnings for those situations when a phrase may be inappropriate
  • Shortened or abbreviated expressions cross-referenced to their complete forms
  • A Phrase-Finder Index to help quick and easy reference

  • Sales Rank: #279166 in Books
  • Published on: 2011-11-15
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 9.00" h x .70" w x 6.10" l, .94 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 320 pages

About the Author
Richard A. Spears, Ph.D. is a former professor of linguistics at Northwestern University, and a highly respected lexicographer and author in the field of ESL reference.

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Great for bilinguals or polyglots
By Marie S
As a bilingual person and also someone learning several different languages, I find myself comparing how the everyday American words are being translated to Spanish, French, Mandarin, etc. Although I use these words in common conversation, there are some phrases that don't truly mean anything to other languages. In fact, English speakers don't use some of the phrases included in this book very often anymore.

As an editor, however, I find that it's a great exercise on my vocabulary every once in a while. It's like reading a favorite novel that I haven't read in so long.

Non-native speakers will find many (idiomatic) expressions in this book extremely helpful. My best advice is to test and practice your language skills with conversational books like these as often as possible.

6 of 8 people found the following review helpful.
Buy the 5 star paperback! ! !
By B. Turner
This review is ONLY for the KINDLE EDITION....

This book has not been adequately programed for electronic use. The keyword index has links to 98% of the entries, but that is all that is programed. The internal cross-referencing is not programed and is functionally useless. There is no easy way to find the entry you are looking up. If you want to browse, you must always start at the letter A and page through as many as ALL 2200 entries until you find what you want. If you use the index, and choose an entry that is not the one you want, in order to get back to the index, you must work through the menu to find the index again, and then find the entry you want in the index and try that one. If that doesn't work, it's the same thing all over. You will get tired easily. This version will save you NO time and effort, and yet it costs almost as much as the paperback.

The paperback was designed for easy browsing...for paging through both the index and the entries as with any reference book. This kindle-ization has turned a simple, smoothly operating reference work into an electronic nightmare.

The content is excellent....when you can find it. Unfortunately, this electronic disasterpiece will cause a number of negative reviews which will be mixed in with the good reviews of the paperback.

Buy the paperback. It doesn't cost but about fifty cents more.

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
A book for ESL readers
By Butterfly Lu
Fast shipping. The book is new as it is described. English as a second language learners will like the book

See all 15 customer reviews...

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Senin, 26 April 2010

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The Subtle Ruse: The Book of Arabic Wisdom and Guile, by Rene R. Khawam

  • Sales Rank: #2278462 in Books
  • Published on: 1980
  • Original language: Arabic
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 400 pages

Language Notes
Text: English, Arabic (translation)

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By Eric William Strack
Product definitely met my expectations and was a really good read. Liked it a lot.

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Kamis, 22 April 2010

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  • Sales Rank: #7050146 in Books
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Sabtu, 17 April 2010

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The Last Days of Judas Iscariot: A Play, by Stephen Adly Guirgis

From one of our most admired playwrights, "an ambitious, complicated and often laugh-out-loud religious debate" (Toby Zinman, The Philadelphia Inquirer)

Set in a time-bending, seriocomically imagined world between Heaven and Hell, The Last Days of Judas Iscariot is a philosophical meditation on the conflict between divine mercy and human free will that takes a close look at the eternal damnation of the Bible's most notorious sinner. This latest work from the author of Our Lady of 121st Street "shares many of the traits that have made Mr. Guirgis a playwright to reckon with in recent years: a fierce and questing mind that refuses to settle for glib answers, a gift for identifying with life's losers and an unforced eloquence that finds the poetry in lowdown street talk. [Guirgis brings to the play] a stirring sense of Christian existential pain, which wonders at the paradoxes of faith" (Ben Brantley, The New York Times).

  • Sales Rank: #190820 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2005-12-27
  • Released on: 2005-12-27
  • Format: Kindle eBook

“A real jaw-dropper. [Guirgis’s] imagination is dazzling and his command of language downright thrilling.” —Marilyn Stasio, Variety

“Guirgis may be the most extravagantly talented . . . playwright in America . . . To put it clinically, he is a master of American urban vernacular; to put it as one of his characters might put it, the s—— is real.” —Jeremy McCarter, The New York Sun

About the Author
Stephen Adly Guirgis's previous plays--Our Lady of 121st Street, Jesus Hopped the A Train, and In Arabia, We'd All Be Kings--were published by Faber in an omnibus edition in 2003. He lives in New York City.

Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot
ACT 1Darkness. Rain. From nowhere, a woman emerges from her past.HENRIETTA ISCARIOT: No parent should have to bury a child ... No mother should have to bury a son. Mothers are not meant to bury sons. It is not in the natural order of things.I buried my son. In a potter's field. In a field of Blood. In empty, acrid silence. There was no funeral. There were no mourners. His friends all absent. His father dead. His sisters refusing to attend. I discovered his body alone, I dug his grave alone, I placed him in a hole, and covered him with dirt and rock alone. I was not able to finish burying him before sundown, and I'm not sure if that affected his fate ...I begrudge God none of this. I do not curse him or bemoan my lot. And though my heart keeps beating only to keep breaking--I do not question why.I remember the morning my son was born as if it was yesterday. The moment the midwife placed him in my arms, I was infused with a love beyond all measure and understanding. I remember holding my son, and looking over at my own mother and saying, "Now I understand why the sun comes up at day and the stars come out at night. I understand why rain falls gently. Now I understand you, Mother" ...I loved my son every day of his life, and I will love him ferociously long after I've stopped breathing. I am a simple woman. I am not bright or learn-ed. I do not read. I do not write. My opinions are not solicited. My voice is notimportant ... On the day of my son's birth I was infused with a love beyond all measure and understanding ... The world tells me that God is in Heaven and that my son is in Hell. I tell the world the one true thing I know: If my son is in Hell, then there is no Heaven--because if my son sits in Hell, there is no God. 
JESUS, carrying a bucket, has approached the woman. He kisses her cheek. She does not notice. They vanish. 
A courtroom. Court is in session. A woman with wings, GLORIA, rises. 
GLORIA: Between Heaven and Hell--there is another place. This place: Hope. Hope--is located right over here in downtown Purgatory.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Next case!GLORIA: Now, Purgatory, contrary to popular belief, has plumbing, and bodegas, and they even got a movie theater and a little park that people can walk their dogs at. Hope--well it ain't got none a that, and it definitely don't smell good.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Next case, Bailiff!GLORIA: I worked here in Hope for two and a half years--thass how I got these wings. And I wouldn't trade nothing for these wings--I can fly with these wings! At night, I fly down to Earth, and I watch my littlest Babyboy sleep. He's seven, and he's got a picture of me on his wall--right in between Shaquille O'Neal and the Incredible Hulk. Then, I go fly uptown to the window of my oldest Babygirl's house and watch my granchild, Little Bit, sleep. Most nights I can see my oldest Babygirl, Tanya, with her feet in a pot of hot water, always studying books; and I'll stick around to see her man, Winston, come home late at night from work,always with a muffin or a hamburger for my Babygirl. Winston's love for my Babygirl is all over his face--I was wrong about him, I always thought he was shifty ... When I get back to Heaven, I tell my husband, DeLayne, all about it. DeLayne don't like to fly, but he likes to hear the stories, and he likes how I look like when I come home from Earth all "windblown" ... Now Hope, it changes with the times, but has stood always as God's gift to the last of his children. It is said that every civilization rearranges the cosmic furniture differently. In biblical times, Hope was an Oasis in the Desert. In medieval days, a shack free of Plague. Today, Hope is no longer a place for contemplation--litigation being the preferred new order of the day.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Where's my damn bailiff??!!BAILIFF: Here, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Then call the next damn case!!!BAILIFF: Yes, sir. "God and the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth versus Thorseen the Implacable: Motion to appeal"!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Denied--Next case!BAILIFF: "God and the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth versus Henry Wayne Masters--"JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Nope!BAILIFF: "God and the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth versus Benedict Arnold--"JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Aw, hell, no!BAILIFF: "God and the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth versus Judas Iscariot--"JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: --"Judas Iscariot" ??!! Who brings this crap before me??!!CUNNINGHAM: Your Honor, my name is Fabiana Aziza Cunningham--JUDGE LITTLEFIELD:--Never heard of you!CUNNINGHAM: I live in Purgatory.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Well you shoulda kept your legs closed! Motion denied! Next case!CUNNINGHAM: Your Honor, I have a writ signed by Saint Peter at the Gates of Heaven!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Next Case!CUNNINGHAM: But I have a writ!BAILIFF: She has a writ, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Excuse me?!BAILIFF: Just saying: The lady, she's got a writ, so, I mean--JUDGE LITTLEFIELD:--Bailiff: let's set up a little signal between the two of us, okay?BAILIFF: Okay.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Good. Now, when I come to court dressed as Ethel Merman in a one-piece bathing suit, that'll be my signal to you that I want your opinion!BAILIFF: Yes, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Next case!!BAILIFF: But what about the writ, sir?JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: What's your name, Bailiff?!BAILIFF: Julius of Outer Mongolia.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: You're on work-release from Purgatory, Julius--correct?BAILIFF: Yes, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Wanna get to Heaven someday? Eat fried chicken and mashed potatoes, feel the sun on your face.BAILIFF: Very much, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Then call the next damn case!!!BAILIFF: Yes, sir. Absolutely, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Good. Have a lollipop.BAILIFF: Thank you, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Next case!BAILIFF: But, like, the writ, sir--JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Bailiff!!!!!!!!YUSEF AKBAR WAHID AL-NASSAR GAMEL EL-FAYOUMY rises dramatically from his seat in the courtroom. 
EL-FAYOUMY: Your Honor, if I may?!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Who speaks before me?!EL-FAYOUMY: It is I, Yusef Akbar Wahid Al-Nassar Gamel El-Fayoumy!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Who the hell are you?!EL-FAYOUMY: An attorney, great sir! Willing and able to prosecute this sham of a case and defend the Gates of Heaven and the Kingdom of God against this big shenanigan of a so-called writ, great handsome sir! Look no further, Your Honor! Yusef Akbar Wahid Al-Nassar Gamel El-Fayoumy is a beacon for justice!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: A "beacon," eh?EL-FAYOUMY: May I approach you?JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: The bench, not me!EL-FAYOUMY: The bench! Of course! YES!--And it is a lovely bench, splendid and sturdy like the great derrière that rests upon it!! Your Honor, I received wind of this so-called "writ" several weeks ago. I have been preparing night and day to refute the allegations it contains!CUNNINGHAM: Your Honor, let the record reflect I have no opposition to Mr. El-Fayoumy here.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD (to CUNNINGHAM): Speak when spoken to!!!EL-FAYOUMY: Do not bait this great man, lady! He presided over the appeal of Attila the Hun when you were nothing more than a cheap shot of whiskey on your great-great-grandfather's first unpaid bar tab!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Well said!EL-FAYOUMY: Forgive the outburst.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: ... You got a license to practice, Mr. El-Fajita?EL-FAYOUMY: A license? A license! Yes. Absolutely!! Submitted for your most scrupulously discerning approval, eminently great sir! 
EL-FAYOUMY crosses, fumbles, searching his pockets for the license. 
BAILIFF (cautiously): Sir, his name's El-Fayoumy.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: What?BAILIFF: You called him El-Fajita.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Just gimme my glasses!BAILIFF: You're wearing them, sir.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD (exploding): My other glasses!!!!!!!!!BAILIFF: Oh. Here.EL-FAYOUMY: Most worshipful lord and master: very tiny problem. My license, I seem to have left it in my other suit. I could rush back to Hell and retrieve it--JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: From Hell are you?EL-FAYOUMY: Temporarily detained--a problem with my papers.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: You sure about that?EL-FAYOUMY: Quite sure, your grace. I attribute the mix-up to the Americanization of the afterlife--completely understandable in lieu of recent events.JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: You're damn right.EL-FAYOUMY: Yes, your eminence--as are you, great sir!JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Cunningham! Let me see this "writ."CUNNINGHAM: Here, Your Honor. 
JUDGE reads the writ. 
EL-FAYOUMY (an aside): You have great legs, Fabiana. Free for dinner, perhaps?JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Cunningham! This writ is garbage! Next case!CUNNINGHAM: Your Honor, my client--JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Your client is Judas Iscariot! Your client sold out the son of God, for Chrissakes!CUNNINGHAM: Your Honor, that has no bearing--JUDGE LITTLEFIELD: Cunningham--Judas Iscariot committed the one unforgivable sin. ...

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0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
My Favorite Play Ever
By Peggy M.
This is my favorite play ever. I have lost track of how many times I have seen it in produced in different cities. Every time I see it I come away with something new. I love being able to read it. If you like bold, thoughtful plays this is for you. It is one of the most interesting treatments of what the love and grace of Christ means and role we may play accepting it. Warning though, do not read this play if you are easily offended by by strong language or Biblical themes presented in a non-traditional way.

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
I had such high hopes. Maybe it's because I ...
By PeaceBang
I had such high hopes.
Maybe it's because I have a theological education, but I found this trite and eye-rollingly predictable. It purports to be a fresh, contemporary take on Judas but I thought it felt very dated -- something right out of the 70's.
Maybe you have to see it.

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
The Last Days of Judas Iscariot
This was an engaging and satisfying look at an old story from a very new angle -- viewing what is traditionally presented as a black and white story of betrayal and greed as an extremely complex web of the interactions of many complex personalities, both human and divine. The book itself, although advertised as in good condition, arrived in "like new" condition, and arrived sooner than expected.

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Kamis, 15 April 2010

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Sabtu, 10 April 2010

[M523.Ebook] Free Ebook Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson

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Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson

Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson

Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson

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Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson

Applying International Financial Reporting Standards 3rd edition has beenthoroughly updated to reflect the numerous changes with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as a consequence of the convergence program between the IASB and FASB. The expert, authoritative and reliable explanations of the author team continues and the textbook is widely referenced by both students and academics, and the accounting profession in countries that have adopted international accounting standards.      

The continuing focus of the third edition is to explain, interpret, analyse and illustrate the financial reporting requirements under IFRS. Each chapter contains numerous illustrative examples that present and explain concepts to ensure users gain a deep understanding of the reporting requirements and procedures, and attain the knowledge expectations of the accounting profession in respect to IFRS.

The coverage of accounting standards has been expanded with the inclusion of new or thoroughly revised chapters on IFRS 9 Financial instruments, IFRS 11 Joint arrangements, IFRS 13 Fair value measurement, IAS 8 Revenue, IAS 24 Related party disclosures, IAS 33 Earnings per share and IAS 41 Agriculture. This textbook has been written for intermediate and advanced courses on financial accounting, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level.      

  • Sales Rank: #1017276 in Books
  • Brand: Wiley
  • Published on: 2013-02-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Dimensions: 10.00" h x 1.50" w x 8.48" l, 4.85 pounds
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 1224 pages
  • Used Book in Good Condition

About the Author

Ruth Picker BA, FCA, FSIA, FCPA, is Global Leader, Global IFRS Services, Global Professional Practice, with Ernst & Young. Ruth has 29 years’ experience with Ernst & Young and has held various leadership roles during this time. Up until June 2009, Ruth was Managing Partner — Melbourne and the Oceania Team Leader of Climate Change and Sustainability Services. Prior to this role, Ruth was a senior partner in the Technical Consulting Group, Global IFRS and the firm’s Professional Practice Director (PPD) responsible for directing the firm’s accounting and auditing policies with the ultimate authority on accounting and auditing issues. She is a member of Ernst & Young’s Global IFRS Policy Committee.

Ruth’s authoritative insight and understanding of accounting policy and regulation was acknowledged through her appointment to the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC), the official interpretative arm of the International Accounting Standards Board. She is currently a member of the IFRIC and the only Australian on that body.

Ruth was responsible for the preparation of Ernst & Young’s Corporate Governance Series (which includes guidance for directors and results of numerous corporate governance surveys) and subsequent advice to a number of entities in both the private and public sectors on the application of corporate governance.

Ruth has conducted numerous ‘Directors’ Schools’ for listed company boards. These schools were designed by Ruth and are aimed at enhancing the financial literacy of listed company board members. She is a frequent speaker and author on accounting issues and has been actively involved in the Australian accounting standard-setting process, being a past member and former deputy chair of the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) and having served on the Urgent Issues Group for 3 years. She has been a long-standing lecturer and Task Force member for the Securities Institute of Australia, serving that organisation for 17 years.

Her written articles have been published in a number of publications, and she is frequently quoted in the media on accounting and governance issues.

In November 2000, Ruth was awarded the inaugural ‘Lynne Sutherland Award’ — an Ernst & Young award created to recognise those people at Ernst & Young who contribute to the development and retention of women and who support and enhance the ability of Ernst & Young to attract and retain talented people.

Ken Leo BCom (Hons), MBA, has been an academic for over 40 years, including 20 years as Professor of Accounting at a University in Western Australia. During this time he has taught company accounting to undergraduate and postgraduate students. He has been involved in writing books published by John Wiley & Sons since 1981, and has also written books and monographs for other organisations, including CPA Australia, Group of 100 and the Australian Accounting Research Foundation. As a founding member of the Urgent Issues Group in 1995, he served on this body until 2001. He subsequently served on the Australian Accounting Standards Board from 2002 to 2007, and was deputy chairman for some of that time.

Janice Loftus BBus, MCom (Hons), is a senior lecturer in accounting at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. Her teaching interests are in the area of financial accounting and she has written several study guides for distance learning programs. Janice’s research interests are in the area of financial reporting. She co-authored Accounting Theory Monograph 11 on solvency and cash condition with Professor M.C. Miller. She has numerous publications on international financial reporting standards, risk reporting, solvency, earnings management, social and environmental reporting, and developments in standard setting in Australian and international journals. Janice co-authored Accounting: Building Business Skills  published by John Wiley & Sons. She is the editor of Financial Reporting, Regulation and Governance . Prior to embarking on an academic career, Janice held several senior accounting positions in Australian and multinational corporations.

Victoria Wise BCom, MEcon, PhD, FCPA, FPNA, is a Professor in the School of Accounting, Economics and Finance at Deakin University, Australia. During her 20 years as an academic she has taught financial accounting and auditing to undergraduate, honours and postgraduate students. Victoria has more than 130 publications including books and book chapters, refereed and professional journal articles and conference proceedings. Her journal articles focus on international financial reporting standards, corporate governance and regulatory issues, and public sector and small business financial reporting. Her current research interests include corporate regulation and governance.

Kerry Clark BCom, CA, Executive Director — Technical Consulting Group, Global IFRS. Kerry has 17 years’ experience with Ernst & Young and is currently on secondment to the Ernst & Young Calgary office in Canada, assisting many of Canada’s largest oil and gas companies in their conversion to IFRS. Prior to this she was a key member of the Technical Consulting Group, Global IFRS in the Ernst & Young Melbourne office in Australia where she was responsible for advising clients on the application of IFRS to complex transactions. Kerry has been involved in the authoring of many Ernst & Young publications and Charter magazine articles and assisted Ruth Picker in conducting ‘Directors’ Schools’ for listed company boards. She has also spoken on accounting issues in many different forums.

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Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson PDF
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Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson iBooks
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Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson Mobipocket
Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson Kindle

[M523.Ebook] Free Ebook Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson Doc

[M523.Ebook] Free Ebook Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson Doc

[M523.Ebook] Free Ebook Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson Doc
[M523.Ebook] Free Ebook Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, by Ruth Picker, Ken Leo, Janice Loftus, Victoria Wise, Kerry Clark, Keith Alfredson Doc